Has my cat triggered asthma?!

Question: Has my cat triggered asthma.?
I've just been recently diagnosed with asthma and I'm unsure whether to re-home my cat. I've had her for 10 months and I've only been having symptoms for a few months. Do you think the cat could could be causing the asthma.? Thanks xHealth Question & Answer

Asthma is a condition characterised by an exaggerated allergic immune response to certain triggers/allergens usually dust, cold air, exercise, pollen. Some asthmatics are made worse by animal dander such as from cats, dogs or feathers. Not every asthmatic is the same though so it's usually by a means of trial and error. If the asthma is extremely bad people will go to great lengths to remove any allergens- special bedding, no pets etc. Mild-moderate asthma can usually be managed via inhalers without any drastic home refurbishments.

It is often the case an asthmatic will be able to tolerate their own pets due to constant exposure. This is very possible in your case if you have had your cat a long time. I would say wait it out a few months and see- usually if you were allergic to your cat you would sneeze or experience asthma exacerbation (breathless, tight chest etc) whilst in close contact with the cat. If you dont notice anything is particularly worse whilst with your cat i'd say it's a safe bet you arent allergic to it- you may be allergic to other cats though.

Getting rid of your cat is unlikely to 'cure' you of asthma but it may reduce the number of asthma attacks you experience- if related to cat exposure.

Hope this makes sense

Health Question & Answer

stevie if her cat had a gun licence I know where the moggy should point it ... at silly answers like you.... it could be the cat causing the raise in allergy it could be something you have had under lying all your life but now your living with one talk to your dr 1 st to see if you can get relief before just giving the cat away Health Question & Answer

Im afraid it could be your cat... asthma is usually a allergy related illness.
I got asthma from a tin of ant killer-because i had an ingredient in it that causes respitory desease... once you have it its hard to avoid the things that might trigger it.

Why dont you try putting you cat in a cattery just for a couple of weeks, give the house a good clean get rid af any cat hair then see how you feel.

I wish you well.Health Question & Answer

Cats cause more allergies than dogs. Male cats are worse than female cats, and dark cats are worse than light-haired cats. A short-haired dog is better than a long-haired dog. Smaller is also better because that means less body surface to trap dander.

Dr. Marty Becker, the "Good Morning America" veterinary contributor, said not to fear, there are ways to curb allergies and peacefully coexist with a furry friend.

A lot more information here
.?id=1728413&page=1" rel="nofollow">http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/AllergyAndAsth...Health Question & Answer

I think that you should have your cat for another month or so and see if your asthma has gotten worse. if it is at the same , then it is your decision whether to keep the cat or not , depending on how much you would sacrafice . hope that helps . Health Question & Answer

it is possible which is a shame i don't think i could re home my cats if that happened to me though, good luck hope your not to bad with it x Health Question & Answer

has your cat got a gun licenceHealth Question & Answer

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