Help!! Eyelash Problem?!

Question: Help!! Eyelash Problem.?
I don't know why...but i keep getting the urge to pull out my eyelashes.?.? I keep trying not to, but I do it without thinking. Is it a nervous habit or something.? Right now, I have spots where there aren't any eyelashes at all. Is there a way to stop it.? And in the mean time, how can I hide it.?.? Like make up tips.?.? Please help!Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you may have trichotillomania (pronounced trik-oh-till-oh-MAY-nee-ah). It's also referred to as a hair-pulling disorder, trich, or "pulling." Please ask your parents for help...and if they won't listen, go to someone at school like a teacher or guidance counselor. You don't want to end up with no eyelashes at all, and that's what will happen. Trust me, I know...a very close relative of mine had the disorder two years ago. She started by pulling eyelashes while doing her homework, and wasn't even aware of it half the time. It progressed to the point where she was without eyelashes and eyebrows for a whole year. She did eventually stop, but you don't ever want it to get that far. It's not something that can be hidden easily. There is a website you can go to for help, (, it's all about trich and ways to deal with it. Trich is a form of anxiety, or obsessive compulsive disorder. Are you worried about getting good grades.? Put a lot of pressure on yourself.? Classic symptoms.
Most of all, do something before it gets worse. There are lots of things you can do to lessen the urge...some hints at this website are to wear a rubber band on your wrist and whenever you get the urge to "pull," snap the rubber band to distract yourself from thinking about it. There are a lot of good ideas and hints and even a forum where you can talk to others with trich.
I sure hope this helps you...and good luck to you. You can do this!Health Question & Answer

Its a psychological problem. You might need to talk to someone to understand why you are doing this. It might have something to do with relieving stress. Buy fake eye lashes until they grow back. You can get individual lashes to fill in the empty spaces or you could get full onesHealth Question & Answer

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