Once Upon a Time... i had acne.?!

Question: Once Upon a Time... i had acne..?
This is a story about my depressing life that i need to let ppl know. I had this breakout from dry skin in november 2008 and still have acne right now. My face is always red and there are always pimples on my forehead and some on my cheeks. I went to the last 3 weeks ago and he told me that i had toxins in my body that needs to get out. So he gave me probiotic and digestive enzyme capsules to help make me go poop. The real problem is that my face is red. This redness is not rosacea(doctor told me) and its just there since last november. I cant even go outside without hiding and this is really a life changing experience. I was never like this. Im 18 and a male. Before the pills, i went to washroom every 2 days but i drink a lot of water and eat fruit everyday. Seems like nothing works. I am now using this facial cleaning where i have cleanser, toner and aloe mostrizer

Is it just that time of someone's first breakout. If so, y so long (8months) and will this ever go away.?

Health Question & Answer

For the acne: 1. stay away from sweets. sweat for 45 mins 3 times a week(this will flush out toxins too). 3. wash face gently with Clean and Clear or Neutrogena acne wash 2 times a week. rinse thoroughly. For the inner you: 1. Go off meats for 1 week, replace meats with beans, beans give you protein you need with out the fat. Continue to eat fruits and vegetables and drink your 2 quarts of water a day(water and fruits and vegetable keep you bowels (poop) cleaned out . For the redness: You may have to do this for months:A. Drink orange juice and eat garlic like they are medicine, use the o.j. and garlic every 4 hours.(if you have to go to school use only the orange juice in the morning and use the orange juice and garlic when you get home from school) B. Once a day Drink Red clover tea.
5. Go to your supermarket in the fresh fruit and vegetable section and buy an Aloe vera plant leaf, becareful of the thorns, wash outside,pull off the thorns, cut off top, then cut off a section below the top, split open and apply the gel/slime to your face and red area(you may want to do this at night so you can leave it on for as long as possible). In the morning wash face with a scented soap thoroughly(do not use the Clean and Cler or the Neutrogena acne wash) because aloe vera smells like onion. Make sure you check the sides of your face to have rinsed off all the aloe vera. Each day EAT some of the aloe vera. You should see the redness disappear also there is another medical condition beside rosacea that causes redness Good luckHealth Question & Answer

i started getting acne in 9th grade im a senoir and still have slightly bad acne it will take a while for it to go all the way awayHealth Question & Answer

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