What to do about a keloid that has formed on my industrial piercing?!

Question: What to do about a keloid that has formed on my industrial piercing.?
About 6 months ago I got an industrial piercing. The piercer did not do a good job, I don't think he even used a needle. There was an excessive amount of blood dripping down my ear and it hurt EXTREMELY bad. He used a 16g bar if that makes any difference. Well, the thicker cartilage that is closest to my face has formed a keloid. I have had my lobes pierced at least 6 different times and my cartilage pierced twice and never had a keloid problem before. I recently got my nosed pierced by a different piercer and no blood and hardly any pain. She did a fantastic job.

Basically, I am wondering what I should do about the keloid on my ear. also, is it likely a keloid will form on my nose.? If it does, should I take the piercing out right away or what.?Health Question & Answer

Nooo don't take it out!!
i have an industrial piercing
the pus inside of it will have no way of coming out if yuu take the bar out! it will heal over and the bump might spread and get bigger and bigger
boil some hot water and put some (iodine free) sea salt in it. just a bit.
too much salt with make the piercing irritated.
pour yuur solution in a cup or a small bowl and stick yuur ear in it.
keep it in the water for about 20-30 mins. do this twice a day.
if it starts to get cold replace the solution
i had a keloid around the bar a few months after i got mine and i got a friend to sit there and squeeze all the pus out.
then i boiled water and added salt and i did that repeatedly for about three weeks and it just went away.
do not use hydrogen peroxcide, polysporin, soap, or rubbing alcohal.
this will just irritate the piercing and cause it to get worse.
when yuur cleaning the piercing use gauze or paper towel.
do not use kleenex, a towel, q-tips, or anything else.
the tissue and the cotton will break apart and cause the small bits of tissue/cotton to get stuck around yuur piercing and infect it even more. using cloths or towels spread germs which will again.. make the industrial more infected.
i hope i helped.. if yuu need any questions don't be afraid to ask =]Health Question & Answer

You should take it out ASAP if you leave it in your not giving your ear the chance to heal so you need to take it out and let your ear heal and you could put some antiseptic like peroxide to help clean it and recoverHealth Question & Answer

Once you have keloid scarring it doesnt go away. You could have the keloid surgeically removed but it will most likely reform.

Are you certain its keloid scarring.?
i wouldnt want that on my face...better safe than sorry.?Health Question & Answer

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