1 hr. Glucose test and I ate before it....?!

Question: 1 hr. Glucose test and I ate before it.....?
I had a glass of about 10 oz. of juice and a bowl of cereal 5 &1/2 hours before my 1 hr. glucose test, then I was told that I shouldn't have eaten by a nurse... will I have to retest (3 hr. test).?
I ate 2 hrs. before my last 1 hr. test and everything was fine, it came back normal.Health Question & Answer

There are generally two tests given to pregnant women - a glucose tolerance test, and a fasting glucose tolerance test. The first test is not a fasting test, and it is designed to measure how well you deal with a big shot of glucose all at once. If your not having trouble processing sugar (and unlike normal diabetics pregnancy hormones are a big factor here) than whether you ate 5 hours earlier shouldn't affect the result. Those of us who are diabetics - YES, 5 hours later our blood sugars would be off kilter. But they want to see if your sugars are elevated by 50g of glucose all at once, and that includes after eating. Pregnant women with no glucose intolerance could be eating candy bars all morning and they wouldn't test positive on the 1-hour test. Their pancreases can pump out enough insulin to handle the extra sugar.

If the doctor instructed you not to eat, that's different - that's a fasting glucose test and they want to measure your blood sugars before the dose so that they know what it is before and after. Usually that's the 3-hour test but not every doctor gives the same test.

Quite a few people fail the first test but pass the longer one. The reason is that you're not considered a gestational diabetic unless your sugar spikes up and stays high for a couple of hours. If it can fall quickly you're off the hook, and many pregnant women fall into that category. So keep that in mind if you have to retest. I wouldn't waste time worrying whether eating caused a positive result, what really matters is how you do on the fasting test. Health Question & Answer

the issue is that you didn't get an accurate result--even when the test came back normal, because you didn't fast as you should have when you are taking that test. regardless of whether the test comes back normal or abnormal, its not easy to trust the result since the test was tainted by you eating beforehand. you should test again; you wouldn't want to go the rest of the pregnancy with a possible complication you don't even know you have just because you weren't aware of the rules of the test.

try to go back and retest or at least tell your doctor what happened so they know how to better assess the results.Health Question & Answer

the thing of it is is, juice and cereal have a ton of carbs, and it can take up to 5 hrs or more for their full effects to take place. my sugars are still high after 5 hrs after eating cereal. if you wanna keep your sugars level, you gotta eat protein and not carbs! carbs spike, proteins keep it level. if you tested 2 hrs later after eating and it was ok, it depends on what you ate 2 hrs before. was it the same thing, juice and cereal.? or was it chicken or fish.? certain carbs keep the sugars up longer, too, like white bread (white flour), carbs like oatmeal (anything w/ fiber in it) move it along, and it doesnt have a chance to accumulate in the blood. are you diabetic.? if not, and your sugars remained that high after 5 hr period, then guess what.? youre a diabetic. blood sugars are at their highest after about 2 hrs, so if you tested ok after 1 hr after eating, then it hasnt spiked yet or you didnt eat carbs. to be sure, always check your sugars 2 hrs after you wat, if theyre unusually high (read: more than 70-110) then youre most likely a diabetic. if theyre still high after 5 hrs, youre a diabetic. b/c non diabetics insulin kicks in after about 20 mins after eating, and by 2 hrs after eating, effective insulin will control your sugars. if your sugars arent control after 2-5 hrs, tough luck. again, the 1 hr glucose test means it hasnt been enough time since you ate to show on the test. best of luck.Health Question & Answer

I would venture to say don't worry about the test. If you ate all that and you tested normal. Then you really are not diabetic. Only time you would have a problem with eating is if you were diabetic or pre-diabetic. Then you would show a much higher glucose level that you would have on a true fast...
Good luck to you and BABYHealth Question & Answer

A glucose test is a fasting test...... you don't eat past midnight the night before to get an accurate reading. You pretty much set yourself up for it being high and had to retest. NOT FUN!Health Question & Answer

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