Does a Colonoscopy hurt?!

Question: Does a Colonoscopy hurt.?
well, very personal. So if you get degusted easily by reading or talking about fecal matter then don't read morons... gawd, i hate ppl like that!

so heres the question..

Does a colonscopy really hurt.? I was constipated for 2 years when i was very young around 13 or 14.. I drank mineral oil, metamucil, took sposatories and was even in teh hospital for 8 months to get flushed out. My anus literally rips open when i take a crap and i sometimes bleed from it. I need to take stool softners to make it small.. Now my rents know about my problem when i was younger but its starting again.. i have the fear of well.. taking a crap.. just seeing it or feeling it come out of my butt really agitates me and makes me uncomfortable so i hold it in. i hold it in for weeks until i let it out during cramps making it all the more painful.. so i know how to fix my problem and i will... but im thinking what does the colonscopy actuallyo do.? sometimes my foot long and 6 inch in diameter stools break in half and it needs to stretch way open before it can start sliding out. they clean it out and scrape the sides.. but is there freezing invovled.? etc.. i checked google and things but im too much of an idiot to understand so any personal advice or advice from word of mouth.? please don't be mean, this is serious. don't tell me to just take a shet. because i am doing it now and i got over my fear.. i just want to know. as the final thing maybe i should get one or.......... .?.? Health Question & Answer

I too have Crohn's and needed a colonoscopy ... I was put to sleep. They knocked me out really quickly and I woke up in recovery - it was all over thank goodness.

But yeah, to me the worst part was drinking the horrible stuff beforehand to clear out your system, it's gross and literally is the shits! But it has to be done I suppose.

So don't be scared, you'll definitely be put to sleep and there's a very very slim chance you're going to wake up during the procedure. Speak to the anaethesist about your concerns and I'm sure he/she will make sure you're sent on a big long sleep :)

Take care ... it sounds very painful what you're going through! Crohn's absolutely sucks but yours is sounding pretty horrible too so I hope you feel better :)Health Question & Answer

No it doesn't. The worst thing about it is taking all of that medicine stuff before you do it. I was asleep the whole time!Health Question & Answer

I have had a colonoscopy done for several years. I have Crohns. Its the shits. Anyway, dont fear. I think it is extremely rare to wake up. I have had it done half awake and watched it on the monitor.
However, the crohns is advanced and I woke up screaming when the doc was shoving it in, it felt like my insides were being torn out, the truth. I was quickly knocked out after that. It was to do with my insides, I think, not the doc, I hope. One of the best in the field, hope not to old to know what he was doing. I think my insides are torn up from the crohns however.
Don't worry, I lived. Never had it happen before out of four times. I hope everything works out for you. Anything to do with the colon is a bunch of ****, isn't it. Good Luck....Health Question & Answer

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