What's the dead stuff that rubs off my skin when it gets wet?!

Question: What's the dead stuff that rubs off my skin when it gets wet.?
I used to be really really pale but over the course of a few summers I noticed that I got really dark. My arms and legs are way darker than the rest of my body. But when my legs get wet, nothing rubs off of them. I'm convinced its not a tan because its not a glowing color. Is there a way to get rid of this stuff, like a treatment.?.? And how do I prevent it.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are losing your tan. You are always shedding dead skin and regrowing fresh, new skin. Getting a tan is kind of like cooking your skin so over time you will start to shed the old and you will be paler. That is why you become pale in the winter and tan in the summer. Diffferent parts of your body will shed faster.

I'm very pale but got quite a tan this summer and i'm starting to peel a lot of it off now.

there is no real way to prevent it, but you can buy body scrubs that will help get it off. just make sure you moisurize afterwards.

hope this helps!

Health Question & Answer

It's just dead skin--not all of it sloughs off at the same rate, especially since you shave your legs. If you want to you can add some salt to your body wash/facial scrub to help exfoliate. Health Question & Answer

itgs the dead skin rubbing off. its peeling from the sunburn that made u tanner. also you may be shedding some skin as well. its normal it keeps your skin healthy ad its a way your body gets rid of toxinsHealth Question & Answer

dead skin
you may want to go to the nail shop so you can get that off if it is on your feetHealth Question & Answer

It's a tan! - Only fake tans "glow"
...& it's dead skin that's coming off.Health Question & Answer

its dead skin use lotion one your arms and legsHealth Question & Answer

dead skinHealth Question & Answer

my guess would be dead skin.. just like the bottom of your foot when you get out of the bath tub after so long.. to prevent it..not sure.. i peel itHealth Question & Answer

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