I have so many spots and balckheads...?!

Question: I have so many spots and balckheads....?
which I badly need to get rid of.
I cleanse and Moisturize twice daily.
I want to get rid of all these spots and blackheads and keep my face spot and blackhead free.
Suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

i have the same problem. i use Neutrogena Visibly Clear Rapid Clear Treatment With Micro Clear. it's really cheap for what it does. ive tried heaps of different skin treatments but this one actually helps. it reduces spots in 8 hours (ohmygod i sound like a neutrogena sales person XD lol)
so give it a try and good luck :)

oh yeah, and the body shop do an awesome foaming facial wash too.Health Question & Answer

Don't use any pimple creams etc that you can buy from supermarkets. They don't work at all - a doctor told me this after he prescribed me a proper pimple cream. That didn't work especially well for me either, but my pimples eventually died down because they were just a phase.

If you're really disgusted with your pimples, ask your GP about Roaccutane. It has a very high success rate, but there are some side effects - possible depression, and possible liver problems while you're using it. The doctor should give you tests to see if your liver would be affected.

If you want a smaller way of preventing more pimples, I'd say stop washing your face more than twice a day, stop rubbing or picking at your skin, and don't use suncream and makeup or whatever when you can avoid it. Moisturizer also makes it worse, so does soap. If you can get away with it, just use plain water, once or twice daily, and lightly rub your face without a scrubbing brush. This all avoids irritation.

Blackheads can take months to disappear, and there is no way of speeding up that process. If you pick at them or try to use a needle or whatever that might work short-term, but then they'll turn into big red spots a few days later.

Hope that helped.Health Question & Answer

I was a barber ad we would take a towel and spray a little water on a towel. Not wet because that will burn if it gets too hot. Just spritz a towel and place it in a microwave for 30 seconds till steam is present then - place it on the area affected and steam them for a few minutes and then press lightly on either side of the blackhead to remove. Then after the area is all free of black heads put very cold water to close the enlarged pours up and your good to go.

Use warm soap and water every morning and night and you will be beautiful...

Use warm soap and water and steam that is the key. Health Question & Answer

I'm a guy, but have never had spots, ever.

Here is what I do:

Never put any soap or products on my face.
Wash my face with water only and don't dry it.
Take a high strength cod liver oil capsule everyday.

I find that the only time I see spots appear is when I put on these moisturizers or sunblocks or whatever! The cod liver oil makes your skin smooth and shiny and the rest is just soap and chemicals! Try it for a month or 2 and see if you notice the difference..Health Question & Answer

for acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems
Health Question & Answer

Here are two sites with some really great advice for maintaining healthy beautiful skin. Make sure you at least check out the 2nd one. It has nutritional tips to keep your skin at its best too. Hope this helps. Take care:-)

Health Question & Answer

go to your derma and have that diamond peeled... youll probably need around 7 sessions of diamond peel. but it hella works! it takes out old blemishes and dead skin.. also, put on sunblock... not just moisturizer...Health Question & Answer

The moisturizer is causing the blackheads. See a dermatologist.Health Question & Answer

try nivea visage cleanser :)Health Question & Answer

Join a cult and stop being so mutha f*cking vain!!Health Question & Answer

oil causes those stuff. D: Trying oil control to remove it :DHealth Question & Answer

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