Drank blood by accident possibly?!

Question: Drank blood by accident possibly.?
Not as creepy as the question sounds. I always pick at my fingers as a nervous habit, so I bleed occasionally. Well at a party yesterday, I saw it bleeding, so I sucked on it for a sec, then pushed on the wound to get out any lingering blood so the wound could dry and close. Well, I couldn't find any wound, so I'm praying I didn't bump into anyone, but in the off chance I did, would I be fine for the most part or what.? Stupid *** question, just just to calm my nerves a bit so my stomach will stop being a pain.Health Question & Answer

You're absolutely fine.

While the human body isn't equipped to digest blood, ingesting such a trace amount is insignificant. Your nerves have probably caused you more stress than a small amount of blood.

Just for reference, if you had ingested a significant amount of blood (I don't know exactly what volume this would be, but I'd guess half a cup or more), you would probably just get a stomach ache and possibly vomit.

Really, you're going to be OK. I've done exactly what you've described probably more times than I can count (ingesting a bit of blood, not picking my fingers, after sticking my finger in my mouth after getting a paper cut or a cat scratch) with absolutely no ill side effects. Health Question & Answer

Too small an amount to matter. However, ask your doctor if there's any testing he'd recommend just to give you peace of mind.

You could have had a cut nearby that you didn't notice. I've looked all over for my source of blood & found it on a different finger or leg -- odd as that sounds. By now it's wouldn't be noticable.

EDIT: I meant to say, too small to matter for catching disease, including HIV!Health Question & Answer

that must be nerve-racking...or something...but u should be safe. don't drive yourself crazy...if u can't get the pit out of your stomach go see your doctor in a couple weeks.Health Question & Answer

your fine, dont worry about itHealth Question & Answer

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