If herpes spread quickest with the fluids that come out ur body how is your partner safe with/out and outbreak?!

Question: If herpes spread quickest with the fluids that come out ur body how is your partner safe with/out and outbreak.?
you know you sweat, excuse my wording but you spill juice's during sex and i feel that your partner couldn't be safe if the virus is mainly in the fluids of your body. Health Question & Answer

Herpes is not spread through fluids such as sweat - but it is present on the skin when the virus is active, often the labia, shaft, glans of the penis or scrotum etc. It is not in the fluids as such, but they can pick up the virus and act as a carrying agent.

It is not present on the skin or in any fluids when the virus is dormant - because the virus is completely dormant for a majority of the time, and cannot be passed on during this time. The virus is dormant and therefore not infectious 85-97% of the time depending on which of the two herpes viruses the infection is caused by and how good the person's immune system is.

The problem with outbreaks is that while the person can usually tell when the virus is active, because they have symptoms, occasionally they will be infectious without having noticeable symptoms, when they cannot tell, and this is known as 'asymptomatic shedding' of the virus.

Because the herpes virus is not, for example, purely contained in semen, a condom does not provide that good a protection, reducing your risk of infection by up to 50% only.

However, because herpes is normally dormant, a person with herpes can have unprotected contact for many years without infecting their partner, if they are well aware of their own symptoms. It took me seven years with my partner before I caught herpes, without ever using any precaution apart from abstaining from contact during symptoms.Health Question & Answer

Herpes is not spread by perspiration, it is present in the lymph and blood. Any of the blisters caused by the virus during an outbreak will contain lymph which when rubbed will release the virus. Once you get it, any regular sex partner will invariably get it from you.Health Question & Answer

people get herpes through shedding even when they aren't having an outbreak, so if your skin rubs against the infected person's skin while they are shedding, you can contract it. its obviously spread through bodily fluids, but sweat isn't one of them. its also spread by skin to skin contact. Health Question & Answer

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