My friend has low folate levels?!

Question: My friend has low folate levels.?
my friend has low folate level she is tasking folate tablets but the level keeps droping.her tablets are obviousley not being absorbed.Id there a way she can modify her diet to help with the obsorbtion of thre folate.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like she needs to see a doctor to find out why the level keeps dropping even though she is taking supplements.Health Question & Answer

There's very good reason the folate tablets your friend is taking is not doing her any good. First thing is to throw away the junk she is taking because it was probably prescribed or suggested by a person that has NO clue about nutrition, like a doctor maybe.?

Folate is a "B" vitamin and is produced by your body from the Intestinal bacteria that are also called, "friendly flora." These bacteria produce folic acid and this is used by the body in many ways. One very important problem that can happen to people deficient in this necessary vitamin is intestinal polyps. These polyps have been shown to become cancerous and it's important to not get this deficiency.

Taking "B" vitamin supplements with folic acid in them is NOT the way to solve this problem. ALL of the "B" vitamin supplements you buy in stores, no matter how much they claim to be natural, etc., are made from the petroleum distillate, COAL TAR. Just look at the yellow urine they make when you take them. That's your body rejecting the junk. So called "fortified" foods, like cerals, drinks, etc. that contain this artificial, make believe vitamins, simply damages your DNA and is rejected by the body. Yes, you will get an immediate reaction that makes you think it's doing you some good, but within a few days, the body becomes damaged by them.

Replenishing your intestinal flora is very critical to raising the folate in your body. Most of the so called "probiotics" you buy in stores are no good either. They are typically the wrong bacteria strains, old and low potency, and can even damage your body. There are only two companies I know of that sell the highest quality probiotics being made today that use the kind of care required to get the full potency and quality of microbials that will actually do you some good. They are: and the other one is a company in Texas at: (800) 370 - 3447. The latter one, sells a probiotic and also the only "B" vitamins in liquid form that are in their "end chain" configuration that go into your system within 20 seconds of taking them. NO YELLOW URINE from these. They recommend you only take 1/4 tsp. first time and then gradually increase them due to their high potency and high biological absorption. If you take the "B" vitamin supplements for about 1 month as you are also taking the probiotics, your body will then not require you to take the "B" vitamins any more and your own body will produce enough of the folate to make and keep you healthy, provided you stay away from antibiotics, fluorinated products, and anything with chlorine in it, like tap water, sodas, etc.

I also strongly suggest your friend get to a Certified Nutritional Therapist that can test her for deficiencies and recommend a good diet that will make her healthy and not a doctor that will give her drugs that can damage the body.

Good luck to youHealth Question & Answer

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