If a clinic said your tb skin test was positive & you later found out you were negative could you sue them?!

Question: If a clinic said your tb skin test was positive & you later found out you were negative could you sue them.?
Only if you could show damages that you could prove to be the direct result of it.Health Question & Answer

no. your skin test was positive. you need to understand more about TB and the difference between disease and infection.

Just because your skin test is positive doesn't mean you have the disease. it means you have the infection. they may have read the test wrong, but that is unlikely.

Infection is treated by 9 months of isoniazid. it prevents progression to TB disease, which is especially dangerous for a child. If you wanted to wait until the child developed TB disease, then he would be on isoniazid for 9 months plus 3 other diseases. i would choose to treat the infection.

What makes you think the skin test was wrong and he didn't have an infection.?

So, did they read the test wrong or did they read it correctly and your follow up tests (which all persons with a positive skin test should do) showed your didn't have disease.?Health Question & Answer

I just wanted to reinforce what some other posters said.

The Mantoux TB skin test is just a screening test. If it is positive, guidelines recommend that the patient get a chest x-ray and/or a sputum test. If one of those is positive then medication is initiated.

It used to be that for patients with latent TB they were not treated - i.e. not active TB - however, that has changed in recent years. Now even latent TB is treated.

How do you know that your son didn't have TB.? What did the chest x-ray show.? You need to put a little bit more detail into your question.

TB isn't a life-long disease; people can have it for a long time without any effects (latent TB) but it is curable with intensive medication therapy.Health Question & Answer

A skin test CANNOT diagnose TB. The test is unreliable and will give false positives to many people including those who have been vaccinated against TB, have had other mycobacterium infections and even people with AIDS who have very low T cell counts.

If your two year old son was treated on the basis of a Mantoux test, then yes, that is negligent. Were other tests done.? At the very least a chest X-Ray.? It's sounds kinda unlikely, but I'd get a new clinic.

argh.... i just read your post again. TB IS NOT A LIFELONG DISEASE...... ITS CURABLE..... MAYBE TRY WIKI....Health Question & Answer

No, because they only said the test was positive, and if you did you would truly be a horrible person because all you would be thinking of would be yourself and not the clinic that helps people and could possibly shutdownHealth Question & Answer

No, you can't . You can come up positive if you were ever exposed to it. Now if they said you were positive for active TB then you could sue ,but, only if you lost a job or housing due to them Health Question & Answer

No, stuff happens! It's human error.

You should have elaborated more on your original question!Health Question & Answer

You put your son through all this without asking for a re-test.?.?.?.?
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No. Health Question & Answer

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