Whats the chance of a 14 year old (guy) getting a heart attack?!

Question: Whats the chance of a 14 year old (guy) getting a heart attack.?
i am 14, (139 pounds, 5'8) whats the chance that i can get a heart attack.? (im always constanly worrying about it, its an anxiety problem) and if i did get one, would it be fatal.?Health Question & Answer

Very, Very low. You would be more likely to have a hole in the heart or a heart defect like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that could cause a fibrillation(heart goes too fast to pump blood).

A heart attack would happen if something blocked an artery. Unless you have a disease that causes blood vessels to thicken, there is almost no chance of it happening.

Oh, one exception. If you are doing something supremely stupid like starvation liquid diet for a week or two, you can cause a heart attack when your body gets desperate for nutrition. I know a wrestler that managed it. Health Question & Answer

Unless your born with a medical condition that has something to do with your heart, then the chances of you getting a heart attack is 0. If you did get one though, since your 14 and not overweight judging by your BMI , no, you would not die but probably have chest pain for a few hours.Health Question & Answer

It happens all the time, you generally just don't know. What happens is that useless portions of your heart just die out. Eventually all that's left is the strong parts, so the next heart attack will kill you.Health Question & Answer

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