What would be the signs if I ate some bad calimari?!

Question: What would be the signs if I ate some bad calimari.?
You would get sick to your stomach and pray to be able to throw up.
At least, that's what happened when I ate just a bite of spoiled beef.
I couldn't make myself throw up, so just suffered until the meat left my system. I also had stomach cramps. None of the other symptoms below. It was food I had cooked myself and had been kept in the refrigerator too long.

The symptoms from the most common types of food poisoning generally start within 2 to 6 hours of eating the food responsible. That time may be longer (even a number of days) or shorter, depending on the toxin or organism responsible for the food poisoning. The possible symptoms include:

Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal cramps
Diarrhea (may be bloody)
Fever and chills
Weakness (may be serious and lead to respiratory arrest, as in the case of botulism)
Health Question & Answer

Throwing up, diarhhea, nausea, headache, dizziness.

Trust me. You'll know! :-)Health Question & Answer

i don't know
try wikipedia, or google
best i can doHealth Question & Answer

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