Microscopic bugs on your skin?!?!

Question: Microscopic bugs on your skin.?!.?
Maybe I'm just being naive but my fiance told me that there are microscopic bugs on your skin eating the dead skin and I don't believe him. He didn't say how many or anything and he tried to google a pic of them but he couldn't find anything. I had no clue about this and am not really sure if I believe him. Is he right.? He said they are the reason why we itch most of the time. He said they dig into your skin and that's what makes you itch. Someone please help me out here! I'm so grossed out.Health Question & Answer

It is an athropod, named the, "house dust mite." These are very tiny mites that do not bite people, but feed on sloughed, dead skin cells and other organic debris. When they die their bodies disintegrate into tiny little particles. This is when they can be a problem for people with asthma. All the more reason to vacuum regularly!

The only other micro parasite that prefers a human host are scabies mites, these can cause dermatitis. Usually it is the elderly and sedentary that are affected. Sometimes nursing homes can have problems with outbreaks of these little critters.

For more info you can research, Illusory and Delusory Parasitosis,
it's very interesting. Health Question & Answer

Here are a couple of interesting pictures of eyelash mites. Very common on people who wear a lot of makeup. Most adult have at least a few of these little buggers.


http://www.electroherbalism.com/Naturopa...Health Question & Answer

yes there are MICROSCOPIC organisms that live on you and everything around you, eating dead skin and other things. i emphasize microscopic b/c they're to small to feel!

scientists actually don't know completely why we itch but they believe it's linked to hystamineHealth Question & Answer

yes, and INSIDE the body too..
you'll like this one...
http://www.healthbolt.net/2007/07/09/mic...Health Question & Answer

Perhapse he meant bacteria....? dead skin flakes away off the body.

Itching is simply a reflex from a stimulant on the skin, be it mechanical (ie, a bug on ur skin), heat, chemical etc.Health Question & Answer

hes kinda right.
there are micros scopic organisms living in and on everything including people. i dont think thats why we itch though. we itch because of some other reaction.Health Question & Answer

You really must not let your imagination run away with you. Strictly speaking, the living organisms on your skin (and almost everywhere else on and in your body) are not bugs. They are tiny one-celled organisms called bacteria.

Far from being grossed out by the fact that your body plays host to these organisms, you should be most grateful. Without bacteria your body would not function at all and you would not be here to wonder about them. For example, your whole digestive system, from one end to the other, is driven by, and dependent upon, bacteria, to break down your food and extract all the nutrients you need in order to live.

In the case of your skin, your own friendly bacteria help to keep your body free of disease by killing and consuming any germs and fungi which might attempt to attack you or poison your body. They are, in fact, your first line of defense, so be happy that they are there.

You may also tell your fiance that it's not your own friendly bacteria that make your skin itch, but some alien invaders, possibly coming from him.Health Question & Answer

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