Which finger gives the lowest blood sugar readings?!

Question: Which finger gives the lowest blood sugar readings.?
No good giving me examples of blood sugar readings unless you are in Australia. We have a different system to the US and I don't know how to convert. I read that in the US 74 is a low reading, where if we tested at 74 we'd be dead! Being gestational diabetic, I'm meant to be keeping mine under 6.5Health Question & Answer

no finger gives a lowest reading.....your blood sugar will rarely come up the same number even if take blood from the same poke used for the first blood glucose reading..........Health Question & Answer

Blood sugar for the most part is rapidly changing all the time. You can take a reading from one finger and then a minute later, take it from the same finger and get a slightly different reading. I have always used my pinky for the most part. I don't know why; I guess out of convenience and it seems to be less sensitive than the others. I'm not sure what Australia uses to monitor blood sugar but yes anything lower than 80 in the US is considered low. On wikipedia, there's an article on how to convert glucose units. You would take an American reading and divide it by 18 in order to get the system you use which I guess is probably metric. Or multiply yours by 18 to get an American reading. So a reading of 74 here would be about 4.1 by what you go by. My guess is that your range is somewhere between 4.5 and 6.5 to feel okay. I'm sorry that you are experience gestational diabetes as pregnancy must be hard as it is. Good luck and stay healthy!Health Question & Answer

In Australia and the UK, you measure BG's in mmol rather than mg/dL, and I believe the healthy range is between 4.0 - 7.0. Gestational might well be lower.

Your readings should not vary much among your fingers. But it's normal to vary a few points even if you test just a few seconds apart. If your numbers are that erratic, try washing your hands first. Not just using a sanitizer, actually wash and dry them. Many people find they get more accurate readings that way.

Don't be afraid of insulin! It could be the best thing that's happened to you, and you need to do whatever it takes to make sure the baby is safe. Uncontrolled diabetes results in miscarriage, damage to the fetus or mother, and birth defects.Health Question & Answer

There is a difference between the SIDES of the finger and the PADS of the fingers, but not a serious difference between fingers. There IS a difference between, say, your finger tips and your forearm. Some meters will account for this, most older meters do not.

also, you are instructed to NEVER use the first drop of blood from you finger. Always squeeze one drop, wipe it off, then use the SECOND drop. The first drop, being "closer" to the surface, has most of the sugar used up. The SECOND drop, being from the vein, had a more accurate reading.

HOWEVER, there is also a normal, expected difference of about 20 points between each individul test strip! That is, if you were to take a reading, of say 95 with one test strip, then immediately do another second reading, using blood from the same wound, on a second test strip, the second reading might be anywhere between 75 and 115.

There is also a significant difference between different meters. For example, The doctor's meter will read different from your meter, again even if the blood is taken from the same wound within seconds.

The point is, Finger Stick Readings are know to have built-in inaccuracies, BUT ANY ONE METER IS ACCURATE FOR ANY ONE PERSON, over the long haul.

So always use the SAME meter to take tests, and don't let anyone else use your meter to take their tests.

As well, you should NEVER consider the exact single reading, but only a series of readings, like an average. Most meters now-a-days also produce 7-, 14- and 30-day averages.

BTW: All numbers above are U.S reading. Europen Readings correspond roughly:
72 US = 5 European
90 US = 5 European
108 US = 6 European
126 US = 7 EuropeanHealth Question & Answer

Well, the system does not matter, you have the same blood in all 10 fingers, unless that is different in Australia also.

I am diabetic and have been for several years. I have never experienced a fluctuation in sugar levels per finger, and to be sure, I just wasted 7 test strips. Guess what.? No noticeable difference.

If I WAS getting different readings, I would go with the high one, since, you know, I want to live and keep my legs and my vision.Health Question & Answer

Any finger will give you an accurate reading it just depends which fingers your more comfortable reading.
Under 6.5 doesn't make any sense, anywhere between 4 and 8 is what it should be, keeping it at around 6.5 is good for you HBA1C.
Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

I think you getting different readings from different fingers is coincidental. You should REALLY ask your doctor. If you really ARE getting different readings from different fingers and you just test on the finger with the lower reading aren't you really just cheating yourself.? Ask your doctor!!!Health Question & Answer

Easy just multiply or divide by 18 gets you close enough.

All fingers are the same in my experience try using the sides instead of the pads it's less painful that way.

74x18 = 1332 would be a tad high :-)
Health Question & Answer

All your fingers will give you the same reading. Health Question & Answer

You like being kicked don't youHealth Question & Answer

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