Clogged up nose? HELP?!

Question: Clogged up nose.? HELP.?
My nose has ben plugged up and everytime I blow my nose nothing will come out. Please help.? Health Question & Answer

Immediate solution:

Take a face cloth and wet with warm (the hotter the better - but don't burn youself), then squeeze out most of the water, and place on your face (in the upper and lower sinues region - forhead over the eyes and each side of your nose), repeat several times. You may want to lean over the sink while doing this as you nose may start to run (let it). That should help you decongest.

Long term:

Once your better, get a cool-mist humidifier for you bedroom at night, run it for at least 20 mins before you turn in for the night.

Stay away from long-term use of nasel sprays, they can make the problem worse - but everyone in a while I recommend Otrivin Moisture - ONE spray into each nozzel, followed by dabbing the inside of each nose with Secaris Lubricating nasel gel.

You didn't mention if this was from a cold or allergies. If it's a cold drink plenty of hot liquids, take Vit. C and fresh garlic, and this recipe can also help:

Heat a can of V-8 or tomato juice, add cayanee pepper, fresh garlic and lemon juice. Drink.

If it's allergies then try and get tested to see what it is (I had to give up beer - hurt but worth it to breath normally). Stick with the humidifer and secaris and ask for a prescription for Nasacort.Health Question & Answer

You will need to take an allergy medicine that helps you expectorate. That is, it will loosen all that gunk up so you can get it out. Ask your pharmacist for some guidance with this. You probably need to sleep with a vaporizer in your room when you are feeling this coming on. You can buy some Vicks liquid to pour in it too that will help. In the mean time, you can pout a towel over your head and keep your face in some steam to inhale to help for now. You can try to get everything loosened inside by eating very spicy foods - hot Mexican food, horseradish or anything that normally gets your nose running when you eat it. But get to that pharmacy quick so you can start getting unplugged before you get an infection!Health Question & Answer

try eating some really spicey foods (i know not super appetizing but it really does help me when my nose gets like that) also try going for a short walk. soemtimes the pounding helps them unplug. the smell of lavender also helps me. and then of course there's all the regular medicines and antibiotics if its super bad.Health Question & Answer

try afrin, heavy strength

if that doesnt work, go to an otolaryngologist (ENT) and get some rhinocort. pretty strong.Health Question & Answer

try some decongestant. it always helped me when my allergies had my nose clogged up.Health Question & Answer

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