How do you get HIV or AIDS?!

Question: How do you get HIV or AIDS.?
if two people a girl and a guy do everything but sex without a condomn and you attempt to have sex but only the guys "knob" goes inside you and he is not wearing a condomn. if the guy pulls out before he comes are you able to get aids or an hiv.? also what would be the symptoms of an hiv or aids.?

Health Question & Answer

yes you can get HIV.
you're playing a very dangerous game - please protect yourself with a condom.
this type of sexual activity is also an excellent way to get pregnant, get syphilis, venereal warts, cervical cancer, chlamydia, and herpes.

There is abundant information on the web as to the signs and symptoms of HIV, but in real life, less than 5% of persons have ANY symptoms in the first weeks to months after they are infected. Almost all patients have no symptoms at all.

You should not lose a lot of sleep over this - but please change your sexual habits and protect yourself. It is a good idea to have an HIV test done at an anonymous site, or at your doctor's office to set your mind at ease.Health Question & Answer

As long as body fluids are transferred you can get aids.
Many people do not develop any symptoms when they first become infected with HIV. Some people, however, get a flu-like illness within three to six weeks after exposure to the virus. This illness may include fever, headache, tiredness, nausea, diarrhoea and enlarged lymph nodes such as in the neck, armpits and groin. These symptoms usually disappear within a week to a month and are often mistaken for another viral infection.

Health Question & Answer

Yes, you could still get HIV (the virus that can lead to AIDS) that way. Most people don't have any symptoms for years after being infected with HIV, although some people have flu-like symptoms. The lack of symptoms is one reason testing is so important. The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested. It can take up to 3 months, or in rare cases, up to 6 months, for the antibodies to show up on a test.Health Question & Answer

HIV can be spread by having contact with bodily fluids (entering through a mucus membrane) from an infected person. HIV lives in reproductive fluid, blood, mucus, saliva, sweat, urine, fecal material, and tears. However, the majority of infection comes from reproductive fluid transfer and blood.

The virus is fragile and while found in the other listed materials, it is uncommon for infection to take place from sweat, tears, etc.

If an individual gives an infected person oral and they have a small cut in their mouth, gingivitis, or cut on the gums, infection can take place. If you are worried, please get tested. Good luck,

RyanHealth Question & Answer

HIV is transmitted sexually; by broken skin coming into contact w/infected blood or other bodily fluids; possibly blood transfusions; using dirty needles; infected mothers passing it to their child in utero.

First stage symptoms are flu-like, however symptoms don't suddenly appear. Could be from three weeks to three months. You and/or your partner could be dormant carriers.

See why protected sex is so important.? Is unprotected sex worth your life.? :)

Health Question & Answer

The problem is before you would ejaculate in her you still release fluids. those would still contain the virus. HIV symptoms will develop flu-like symptoms. This can include: fever, rash, muscles aches and swollen lymph nodes and glands. However, for most people, the first symptoms of HIV will not be apparent.

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