I am very worried, could I possibly have diabetes? What should I do?!

Question: I am very worried, could I possibly have diabetes.? What should I do.?
I have had possible signs and symptoms for a while, but up until now they were never as serious. For the past 2 years I've always seemed to be extremely dehydrated, able to drink 5 water bottles down and still be thirsty. On days when I don't even drink a lot, or barely at all, I still end up peeing up to 14 times a day, easy. I am constantly tired, always out of energy, and for the past few years whenever I eat something sugary I get very sick, and I end up hurting. But just a few months ago I noticed I am getting white spots on my vision sometimes, or it just blurs out, and now I have went to the doctor and need glasses, when just 4 years ago my vision was 20/20. I constantly have stomach pains, almost to the point of throwing up, so I want to ask; do I have diabetes, and if so, what should I do.? Because I feel totally lost, and worried that it might be too late for my diabetes, if I have it.Health Question & Answer

Im a diabetic myself.

This may be extremely disspapointing, but this may very well be diabetes. All the symptoms you described are the key factors of High Blood sugar in diabetics, and basically what happens when you have diabetes but not treating it.

Feeling lethargic, troubling seeing far distances, sudden anger, throwing up after eating, irritability, frequent urination, and DEFINITLEY drinking alot of water.
This happened to me when i was 13. I'm 16 now.

I would immeditatley go to the doctor asap, if not treated you could go into hyperglycemic shock and pass out. most cases of high blood sugar is unconsioness. I don't mean to scare you, but this is very serious.

Diabetes is life changing and it can be really hard when you first get it. It pretty much took me 3 years to adjust. You have to pay attention to diet, sporting activities, and be very intune with your body.
Again, I dont want to scare you, but don't go into denial about it either. I don't want you passing out or anything!!! :)

I went into depression my first year as a diabetic, I felt so alone and different, but it really helps to get involved with other diabetics and just spread the word. My biggest problem was accepting that i had it. I was in complete denial, but now I know it is just a part of who I am.

I would definitley go get that checked out.

I DO NOT think it's too late for you, although the sooner caught, the better. You will be fine, the only "too late" for diabetics is amputations from poor circulation and weird stuff like that when your like 100. :)

But I wish you well, and I give you all my luck. Hang in there.

If you have any more questions, you can email me at ibringsexyback21@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

You say you're losing your vision. Go to a doc whatever the cause. If it's not diabetes it's something else. Eyes are delicate and you need intervention to save them now. Don't insult blind people all over the world by throwing away what many of them would give an arm for to get, literaly.Health Question & Answer

I was diagnosed as having diabetes 1 year ago and I never had any symptoms. If you are around 40, not only does vision change, but doc should have noticed something. Go to primary doc and get blood work done. Test is simple.Health Question & Answer

Go see a doctor. If you have diabetes there are simple tests they can run. The first thing is to test your blood sugar. If it's not diabetes, your doctor can point you in the right direction. Health Question & Answer

Everything you described suggests diabetes. See a doctor, tell him.

Or if you would rather, though I don't know why, go to the pharmacy and ask for ketone test strips. You dip them in urine and if you have ketones in your blood they will tell you. That is another big big sign.

You say you are worried it may be too late to treat but that's only true if you keep putting it off. Go see a doctor at 8 am tomorrow morning and wait there until they can fit you in. Or, go to the emergency room or an urgent care place and get it checked.

Your vision is the worst sign and it can get better if you hurry and treat it fast enough. But the longer you wait the worse it will be, maybe forever.

Get in gear and go see a physician so you don't just sit and make yourself sicker.

I'm diabetic. Getting treatment will begin to make you feel better within as little as a week. Do it, please, now. I mean it.Health Question & Answer

i only yesterday found out i had type 1 diabetes. this is because i had my bloods done for glucose and came back high. if it wasnt for the fact that i changed doctors and had this done i still wouldnt have knows as i have had syptomps for ages and was tested for all sorts but never though diabetes.

please go see your doc and ask to hav bloods done for glucose for peace of mind.

you do sound like syptoms for diabetes but then again it could be nothign but always better to make sure. if you are high and they do diagnose you they will within 24hours put you on insulin so please dont worry that you may be too late for treatment. xxHealth Question & Answer

You may have diabetes. You should go to the doctor to find out for sure. The good news is that it is very treatable with diet and exercise and maybe medication. I was diagnosed a few years ago. I was like you, and realized I probably had it long before I went to the doctor. My biggest single problem was that I was drinking regular Coca-Cola. I switched to diet and it made a huge difference in the way I felt even before I saw the doctor. (I didn't like diet Coke at first so I tricked myself by drinking Diet Mountain Dew for a week. When I finally switched to Diet Coke it tasted OK.) Good luck and don't worry too much, it is very treatable. Just make up your mind to follow your doctor's instructions.Health Question & Answer

Pay attention to your body. If you don

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