The STD herpes. Who knows if it is safe to have unproducted sex when there aren't symptoms ? and...?!

Question: The STD herpes. Who knows if it is safe to have unproducted sex when there aren't symptoms .? and....?
If the one person with herpes takes medication twice a day- is there a risk of passing it on.? My man doesn't want to use protection.
Health Question & Answer

The bad news.
Herpes can indeed be passed when no symptoms are present - but not all the time. People with herpes have periods of "asymptomatic shedding" which is basically having an outbreak without any symptoms. During those time, they are infectious. Please know that condoms do not protect well against herpes. Because herpes is spread through skin-to-skin contact, and the condom covers only some of the exposed skin, it doesn't provide a whole lot of protection.

The good news:
If you never ever ever have sex when you are having an outbreak, or recovering from an outbreak, or getting the tingling that preceeds an outbreak, the chances of spreading your herpes is quite low. I've seen statistics as low as 2% per year, but I suspect the number is typically a bit higher than that. By taking antivirals as prescribed (the number of tablets per day is different with different antiviral drugs) you cut the chance of infection in half - because the antivirals will not only reduce outbreaks, they will reduce the amount of viral shedding, too.

So is it 100%.? No. But then, condoms don't do much, either.
If you are careful, though, and never have sex during an outbreak, and keep up the antivirals, the chance of transmission is surprisingly low. Not zero, by any means, but low.

To learn a lot more about herpes transmission and protection from a RELIABLE source (unlike Y!A) I recommend the website below. It's easy to read, and quite comprehensive.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Well I can't speak for everyone, I can only tell you my own experience.

I have it and my husband does not have it.

We have unprotected sex when I'm not having any symptoms of an outbreak and we NEVER have sex if I'm feeling like an outbreak may be coming on.

I use Valtrex only to control my outbreaks if I feel them coming, I do not use it daily.

We've been married for over ten years now and thankfully he has never contracted the virus from me and we have had a healthy child and have another child on the way.

I don't know for sure, but the transmission rate is very low, like 1-2% per year if the partner w/herpes is on supressive therapy.

Hope this helped, but use protection if you feel more comfortable, but just know condoms are not as effective with herpes, because it is skin to skin contact and therefore, if the infected area is not covered and rubs up against you, you could still pass the virus along to another person.

Good Luck to You.Health Question & Answer

Yes you will contract Herpes even with out symptoms. Shedding can happen at any time though its worse when there is a breakout. You have to use a condom but if you love him enough to contract an STD, you dont have to use one. Its a deal breaker as far as i am concerned. Unless you are going to marry him and therefore you are ready to deal with the consequences then use no condom. Health Question & Answer

yes , there is a risk of him passing it on, so i would use a condom even if there aren't any symptoms, and even when he stops the pills the STD could still be there, so i would continuing a condom , and get him to go get checked to see if it is gone Health Question & Answer

You can still catch herpes when no signs are present even on medication...Always use protection...I got it from my partner when he had no signs or symptoms...Health Question & Answer

The highest risk of transmission of herpes is during an outbreak, but the virus can still be transmitted even when there is no outbreak.Health Question & Answer

unless is herpes is gone yer he can pass it on. I would tell him u want to use protection till he is fully recovered. Dont put yourself at risk when you know he has an STD.Health Question & Answer

you can pass herpes on whenever. if you have an outbreak or you don't. skin to skin contact is all it takes.Health Question & Answer

if he don't want to use condom, don't have sex if him! soung like he didn't care if he passing it to you. dump him!Health Question & Answer

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