2 deaths in my family from non-smoker lung cancer?!

Question: 2 deaths in my family from non-smoker lung cancer.?
My mom had chronic bronchitis for YEARS! she never smoked or lived with a smoker. that's why we were SHOCKED when she was diagnosed almost a year ago with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer.
Sadly, she passed away July 24th. Her maternal aunt also didn't smoke or live with a smoker, and she passed away from lung cancer on June 14th! My question is (and yes, I have asked my dr, but she didn't really seem all that concerned, which irritates me!) should I be worried.? I get chest colds a LOT! and from the research i have done lately, it would seem that a chest cold is really acute bronchitis. My mom having chronic bronchitis didn't phase us. We thought she just had a crappy immune system and got sick a lot. turns out, that's a pre-cursor to lung cancer more often than not.
Should I insist on a chest X-ray.? People say that lung cancer isn't genetic, but it's just odd to me how TWO PEOPLE in my family died from it, and they never smoked. my sister & i are ex-smokers, so that probably increases OUR chances of getting it...but now today i woke up AGAIN with a chest cold and have some pressure. i am in the process of finding a new dr. one that will CARE about this sort of stuff, but in the meantime...not sure if i should worry. am I just being paranoid.?Health Question & Answer

thing is ..........even chest xrays are not really good at detecting cancer..esp in the early stages.........sadly, nothing really is...
most lung cancer is only detectable in late stages.
we need to push for better diagnostic tools
since you have it in your family YES, if it were me, I'd demand any extra tests i could force my doctor to perform
it's YOUR life.....
here is some new info

Blood Test Detects Early Lung Cancer
Positive Test for Blood Protein Signals High Cancer Risk
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDSept. 18, 2007 -- A new blood test promises to detect lung cancer at its earliest, most curable stages.

The test is under development by Panacea Pharmaceuticals, Gaithersburg, Md. It detects a recently discovered protein called HAAH. People with at least 20 different kinds of cancer -- including lung cancer -- have much higher than normal HAAH levels in their blood.

The test does not prove that a person has cancer. But it does identify people who need additional, more definitive tests, says Panacea research scientist Mark Semenuk.

"The important thing is that we can pick up even stage I lung cancer," Semenuk tells WebMD. "To diagnose lung cancer really early provides the opportunity for curative treatment. Unfortunately, ~~~~~lung cancer does not cause symptoms until fairly late in the disease process."~~~~~~Health Question & Answer

no you are not paranoid, but do not panic either. If having a chest xray will give you peace of mind have one done. also if something is wrong you will be way ahead of it and the earlier you find something the better the out come! Good Luck, and hope nothing is wrong. Finding a good doc your comfortable with is another big plus.Health Question & Answer

Its a matter to worry, it seems your family tree is bearing this disease. You should approach a doctor and check up. And this doesnot means you are a smoker or not. It may be a heriditary disease. Dont worry you can be treated if you treat in time.Health Question & Answer

Xrays do more harm than good. Exposure to radiation can cause cancer. Yes, go find a new doctor - maybe a pulmonologist and discuss your concerns.Health Question & Answer

see or go to hospital/doctorHealth Question & Answer

My mother never smoked but my father did. He died of heart attack, but she died of lung cancer. So me, never smoked, but my father did, and my husband does, but x-rays show emphysema in my lungs.

If I were you, I'd be vigilant about x-rays or other diagnosis of possible cancer. Try to avoid colds. Ha! I haven't had a serious cold for four years, since I started doing salt rinses in my mouth -- spit out the salt -- and use salt nasal sprays.Health Question & Answer

Your paranoid and to top it off what exactly do you think you can do about the slight possibility of maybe someday you might get lung cancer.? You going to go and have your lungs removed and live on a ventilater all your life.? It would be a very short life and extremely limiting.

Get over the fear, miss your mom and move on. My dad had Alzheimer's, I cannot sit and worry about maybe getting that someday either. The only option is to stop living and I have no intention of doing that due to fear of a maybe.

Your real problem is your grief over losing your mother, you need to quit worrying about you and get out and get back into life before your fear of something you have no control over ruins your life. Changing doctors is not a bright idea. Your doctor knows there is no way to predict lung cancer in the future and there is no preventive in any case.

Health Question & Answer

I am with you I think they focus too much on smokers instead of finding out the truth and the reason I say this I have lost smokers and non smokers in my life with the same cancer yet it's all smoking my husband had a uncle who died with cancer on the outside of his lungs which was added to the statics as smoking.? also everyone of his mom's bros and sisters that have passed and 2 right now dieing any day with cancer has died with cancer there were 12 of them and his mom also passed with cancer now tell me it isn't gentic.? It has to be in some cases and they are to busy along with the public blaming smoking even though these people's dad died with heart conditions at 83 and he smoked.? so go figure their mom didn't and died with colon cancer which wasn't to do with smoking.? Find you a good doc dear and I hope the best for you I worry about my children with all this in his family too as for today and God knows i am not braggin and I hope it don't happen but my husbands generation hasn't had cancer no sisters or brothers but then i worry if it skips a generation i have heard that some things will it is normal to worry about this when we lose loved ones so don't panic just make sure you have a good doc Good Luck dear sorry to here of you loseHealth Question & Answer

the thing with cancer is we are all born with cancer cells in our body. we have them and there's nothing we can do about it. sometimes they activate and we get cancer, others times they stay dormant for life and we do not. unfortunately cancer is common which is why it's not unheard of to have multiple people in your family have it, even the same form of cancer. should you consult a doctor about reoccurring colds.? i would but you shouldn't worry too much because colds or not, cancer can hit anyone. Health Question & Answer

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