Is this still practiced when dealing with infectious diseases?!

Question: Is this still practiced when dealing with infectious diseases.?
I was reading recently, while doing some research on a possible book I might right, that up until the mid 50's in the United States, that if a person died from TB, then their body would be incinerated. (note, not cremated. Incinerated as burned in the hospital incinerator) This incineration was intended to prevent transmitting of the disease using methods which were common of the day. Now, I know now a days we don't do this, but it sparked a morbid curiosity in me. Are there other diseases that could cause a hospital to take this course, and if so, what are they.?

And yes, book research. Upcoming NANOWRIMO idea.
Health Question & Answer

I couldn't find anything on entire bodies that had to be incinerated for certain diseases, but here's a file on the disposal of infectious waste:

If you wanted to look at the health effects of working in an incinerator, try this:

However, I don't think that it is still practiced, as the disposal of infectious waste has changed much over time. See here for details of disposal not necessarily involving incineration, but autoclaving:

Here's a background to the laws controlling the disposal (US):

I hope I was of some help.
Health Question & Answer

I really don't know.
but you would want to look into these:


I don't know about the bodies, but certainly contaminated items like gowns and sheeting might be incinerated. I cannot think of any other infections where it would even be contemplated.Health Question & Answer

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