Is there a website to check which prescriptions are safe to take with others?!

Question: Is there a website to check which prescriptions are safe to take with others.?
I watched a commercial for a depression medicine and it said it shouldnt be taken with some migraine medicine. I just want to double check that the two medicines I am taking are fine. Is there a website I can go to and do this on.?.? Or does anyone know.? The two medicines are Topamax 25 mg twice a day and Celexa 20 mgs at night. I have seen a couple questions on here... but only like two... doesnt seem common... Just want to check real quick. Thanks! Any info would be appreciated! Health Question & Answer

A good web site to get general info on medications is It is the one I use while out in the field when I come across a new/unfamiliar medicine. I work in home health.

I agree with brainy though. Call your pharmacist and voice your concerns. They usually will ask you when you pick up your prescription if you have any questions and they are also good at spotting possible conflicts in medications if you use the same pharm all the time.

also, everyone taking any medication should always take their medications with them to every doctors visit just in case one or more was not written in your chart or was written incorrectly. If you have the bottle with you it also can save time that it would take to go through your chart looking.

Here's hoping your migraines disappear as quickly as socks in the washer/dryer. :) I have them also so I can sympathize. :(Health Question & Answer

You need to call your pharmacist in the morning. My sister is a physician, and has always told me to go to the pharmacist with medication interaction questions because they are more up-to-date on the drugs than many doctors.

Doctors tend to know more about the drugs used to treat the ailments they see patients for, but pharmacists need to know about ALL drugs and how they can interact with each other.

Even though pharmacists are so, so busy, I have always found them to be very wiling to help by answering any questions I have had, both over the phone and in person at the pharmacy.

BTW, you could be putting your life into your hands by looking for answers to such an important question on YA!

--BrainBabeHealth Question & Answer

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