35 weeks pregnant with suspected herpes outbreak!?!

Question: 35 weeks pregnant with suspected herpes outbreak!.?
I have never officially been diagnosed with having herpes but i have a similar outbreak 3 yrs ago. I am sore, swollen and itchy with red bumpy skin in the vaginal region. I am really worried that i could harm my unborn child. I have my next apt with the midwife in 3 weeks (when i will be 37 weeks pregnant) Do you think it is ok to wait and tell her then or should i tell her now.? I am so afraid that i will need a c-section and i will be worried that family members will find out. My fiance has been so supportive but its a worry i dont need at the moment. If i dont have another outbreak before my baby is born is it possible to have a vaginal birth (even tho i am having an outbreak now...will it be all cleared up by then.?.?) Sorry for all the questions, but as you can imagine i am very stressed and worried. ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Okay, I've been where you are, I've had it for a very long time and went undiagnosed for years, although I was always supicious that is what it was.

When I was pregnant with my 1st child I had never been diagnosed and suffered some minor outbreaks during the pregnancy, but fortunately did not have any towards the end and I delivered my daugther and she was perfectly healthy.

I'm on my 2nd pregnancy right now and I have been diagnosed now and I'm using Valtrex when I get outbreaks. The doctor told me when I was 35 weeks he would put me on it daily to prevent an outbreak at the time of my delivery.

I know you are stressed and I know you feel the whole world will find out, but everything that is told to your doctor is confidential and you do not have to worry about anyone finding out, unless you tell them yourself.

Bottom line ------ you need to call the doctor TODAY and you need to be seen TODAY. They will need to culture the area to see if it is indeed herpes. If it is, they can give you medicine to control it and at this point in your pregnancy they will probably just keep you on it daily and the good news is, you can have a healthy and happy child.

Please try not to worry yourself to death, as 1 in 4 adult women have genital herpes, it is really quite common and I assure you that your doctor has treated tons of pregnant people in the same boat as yourself and there will be no judgement on her part.

Good Luck to you.Health Question & Answer

i would have a csection if i were you... my friend did not know she had herpes and had a vaginal birth. the baby now gets outbreaks on his skin. also you can still trasmit herpes to someone else even if you dont have an out break. If your worried about your family just tell them you have a narrow birth canal and dr thinks its best to have c-sectionHealth Question & Answer

First of all, you need to get the herpes diagnosed as herpes.

Call your midwife and tell her right now what is going on and that you need tested for herpes ASAP. I honestly am wondering why you did not tell them about these outbreaks when you first started seeing them so they could test you for herpes, but no sense in beating that one to death.

If it is not actually herpes infection - perhaps you are worrying yourself extensively for no reason. Allergic reactions and other irritation rashes can and do sometimes look like herpes.

If you are diagnosed with herpes -- most likely they will give you a C-section only if you are currently having an active infection. They should be able to tell if you are actively infected by looking at your genitals, querrying about your symptoms, and testing your blood.

Plus, I read on the CDC website that herpes transmission to babies -- even during active infection -- is extremely rare, but it's a possibility and can make babies extremely ill as I am sure you are aware.

If you for sure are infected with herpes it depends on when you deliver (you could potentially pop at any moment) and how compromised your immune system is due to being pregnant whether or not your infection will be cleared.

So, I don't know if your herpes infection will be cleared up enough by the time you deliver or not, but I still think you need to go see your midwife and make SURE this is definitely herpes infection before you decide on anything.

I'm currently 5 months myself. I think you might've gotten more answers in the pregnancy section :)

Good luck and I hope you are just having an allergy. One time I got a NASTY, itchy, painful rash down there. It's how I found out I'm not just allergic to bandaid adhesive -- I'm entirely allergic to latex! ;)

Be well!Health Question & Answer

You need to visit the doctor to have a swab test, then they can actually tell you if it is herpes or not. You need to do this ASAP, because once it starts to heal the test will not be as accurate, and it will be no good at all in three weeks.

Even if it is herpes, if it is not a primary outbreak - (i.e. if you have had undiagnosed symptoms in the past and you have a blood test which shows you have produced antibodies to the herpes virus) you CAN have a vaginal delivery.

25% of pregnant women actually have genital herpes, and most go on to give birth vaginally. The only time a c-section is needed is when you have an outbreak when you are in labour.

An outbreak normally only lasts about a week, so as long as you don't go into labour extremely prematurely you will be fine.

Bear in mind it could also be another vaginal infection so you do need to get diagnosed. NOW. Herpes isn't the only infection that could harm your baby.Health Question & Answer

You've got some great answers here. I'm only going to add two things to all the good info you've already gotten.

First, herpes does NOT harm your fetus in utero. Until your baby is born, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Please do call your midwife, get this diagnosed, and get a plan together ASAP. But don't worry that you'll be hurting your baby before the baby is born.

Second, just so you can confirm what others have said, I've put a link below to some information about herpes and pregnancy. It's a very trustworthy, easy-to-read website, and it will help you sort out fact from fiction. (Although the answers that you've gotten so far seem right on the money.)

Great question - and congratulations on your soon-to-be-born new baby!Health Question & Answer

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