How long will one have to suffer the humiliation of Acne?!

Question: How long will one have to suffer the humiliation of Acne.?
This is a very important question as for teenagers acne is worse than a nightmare. You can never know how painful and disheartening acne can be. As I always say acne marks are not on your face they are on your soul. Acne makes you self conscious and shy. You try your level best to hide yourself from rest of the world.

Sadly it is commonly seen that young boys are more acne victim than girls. But the deep impact of acne is same on both of them. Acne is the main cause of low self esteem in teenagers.

It is true that acne is not a life threatening disease. But the psychological affect is much deeper than generally understood. Unfortunately some teenagers get so depressed over this skin disease that they comet suicide. I must recommend you to take good care of your children not just taking care of their physical needs. But you must make sure what makes your children, brother or sister so hapless that they decide to end their lives.

I think the best for you is to read this entire article which is exactly about: How Long I Will Have to Suffer the Humiliation of Acne.? Question & Answer

July H,

I used to have it really bad and used about every product there is to get rid of it. They didn't work. So I went to the doctors. I used the prescription medication and I now almost have clear skin. But this is a long term treatment.

The reason you get acne is because of hyperactivity of sebaceous glands. These glands are in the hair follicles and secret oil. So to be able to fight acne you should fight these glands to make them less active.

Here are 5 suggestions before going the the extreme of seeing a doctor:

1- Vit A so far is well known for its effect on these glands to make them less active. However if you take high doses of Vit A there is the risk of vit A toxicity plus the fact that if you get pregnant there might be a chance that your baby will have birth defects. However drinking Carrot juice every day or every other day or drinking Rock melon juice is very beneficial for the body and for the skin. Carrot can also protect your skin from sun damage.


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