If a man had a Vasectomy, and was HIV positive...?!

Question: If a man had a Vasectomy, and was HIV positive....?
Would you still be able to catch the disease during sex.?

Because I thought you can get it from sperm fluid.
Or do people who has vasectomy also ejaculate.?

Thanks for your answers ;]Health Question & Answer

Yes he can still pass it on..
For your own safety please be careful if you have sex..

On a lighter note..I hope your day was as good as mine has been ..Health Question & Answer

Yes, a man with HIV can still transmit the virus during sex, whether or not he has vasectomy. A vasectomy only snips the vas deferens, the tubes through which the sperm cells are transmitted to become part of semen, which is the fluid produced by the prostate, and other organs, so they may be protected during the long journey to the egg. So, a vasectomy doesn't stop semen from being produced, it just stops sperm cells from being able to be part of the semen. A man will still ejaculate semen and the virus will still be in the semen and other body fluids (like blood) that are swapped during sex. To further clarify, HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS, so you don't catch the DISEASE during sex, you catch the VIRUS.Health Question & Answer

Yes you could still catch the disease during sex; the HIV virus itself is not actually in the actual sperm, it is in the fluid that surrounds it (semen). When you have a Vasectomy, you ejaculate semen as normal, everything else remains the same, just minus the sperm.Health Question & Answer

yes, u can get hiv from the small amount of fluid that will still come out, and men can still ejaculate after the proceeduce sometimes. wear a condom. ask your doctor. Break dance. eat at least 2500 cals a day. Muscle weighs more than fat, don

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