MEDICAL QUESTION- Cardiology--: Is there a difference between PSVT and PAT? If so, what?!

Question: MEDICAL QUESTION- Cardiology--: Is there a difference between PSVT and PAT.? If so, what.?
Wouldn't paroxysmal supraventicular tachycardia be the same as paroxsysmal atrial tachycardia.?.?
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No, they are the same thing Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT) is also known as paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT). This is a common Cardiac arrhythmia of sudden onset and is often triggered by a premature atrial beat or a premature junctional beat. PSVT used to be called PAT. More has now been learned about the electrical wiring of the heart so the wording has changed; the term PAT is more often reserved for a specific type of circular electrical conduction pattern occurring in the true atrial tissue, and not the AV node. Regardless of the terminology, the rhythm disturbance occurs in the AV node, or in the atrium above.Health Question & Answer

They are the same! I was born with SVT! My heartbeats got to 230 beats a minute. And upon being injected with Adenasen! (Strange feeling). It is sort of like hitting the reset button on your watch. Your heart stops and hopefully begins to beat again. There are medications used to help with the onset of attacks. The one I used was Verapimil!

And regarding the AV node. It can indeed affect the node. I had a cardiologist do cathedar ablation on my heart. It is painless and has a very high success rate. Not all patients Av node is affected. The doctor will only be able to tell you that once he is preforming the procedure. You are asleep during the procedure and the doctor puts you into an attack! And he will be able to see via computer were you are having your issues. At that time they will caterize the bad cells causeing the problem. This will be repeated until no bad cells appear! And if the AV node is affected at that time you will have to have a pace maker inserted to help with your rythym! Which is rare by the way!Health Question & Answer

Well, in 1973, all doctors were using the term PAT for me until I had an ablation in 1985. My palpitations had gone so I'm no longer seeing any note mentioned a PAT.

My palpitations came back on 2004. I searched that in the website. I found no one was using PAT anymore. They use SVT now. My cardio still the old one who looks after my heart for more than 20 years. He said I got A-Fib, A-Tach. I believe it is paroxysmal as well. I can't feel it like before because my pacemaker is pacing out of it.

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im not quite sure, but they wouldnt give it a different name for nothing

since your so savvy with medicine can u answer my heart question>.?.?.?
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