Poppy Seed Allergy??!

Question: Poppy Seed Allergy.?.?
I am allergic to poppy seeds, and recently I had surgery and my doctor prescribed me Propxyphene, which is an opioid. So since opiates come from the poppy plant would I be allergic to opiates such as morphine, propoxyphene, codeine, etc. or just the poppy seeds.?Health Question & Answer

1. Did you tell your doctor and pharmacist of your allergy.? It sounds like you did if you were prescribed propoxyphene, because it is synthetic, not made from the poppy plant. Not all painkillers are made from poppy, so be sure to tell the doctor of your allergy.

2. Synthetic opioids are not made from poppy. They may be called opioids because they act in the same way and on the same sites as opiates, which are made from poppy. There is a difference.

3. Since you have a poppy seed allergy, you should avoid opiate painkillers like morphine and codiene. But you should be able to take other painkillers like propoxyphene.

4. All that being said, it is still possible for you to be allergic to propox as well. That can be said of almost any medication. So try the propox. A small rash or itchiness is a normal side effect, not an allergic reaction. If you have an allergic reaction like hives or trouble breathing, then go to the Emergency Department.Health Question & Answer

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