Wierd, painful upper chest and heart pain after run? I actually had to stop because of it.?!

Question: Wierd, painful upper chest and heart pain after run.? I actually had to stop because of it..?
I ran 7 miles yesterday (10 minute pace), no problem, but today i had to run the mile (6:30 pace), and when i was breathing it felt like the air was going into my heart, and my upper chest (where the 2 rib cages touch) was cramping and hurt really bad. i felt like i was going to throw up blood or something (it was like a really bad stomach ache in my upper chest, every bump step i walked hurt...), and the pain was so intense and long lasting, that i was grimacing 30 minutes after the run. Now, 4 hours later, my heart is still in mild pain...

if it helps ive been running for 3 years, and a 6:30 mile is well within my limits, and im 30lbs underweight.Health Question & Answer

One thing you didn't include is if you had any stress-testing and/or ECHO peformed. I'm guessing not since you say you have no history of HD.
To be honest, one "symptom" of heart disease is DENIAL. Many people ignore (don't follow-up_ with symptoms.
There is absolutely no way for me or anyone to diagnose your symptoms from your post.
There are devices known as "Event moniitors" that you activate when an occurance happens and info is recorded for a doctor to evaluate.

Nausea and chest pain together are not something to ignore.

One question I have is ARE YOU or hev you been tested for HYPERTHYROIDISM.? The few symptoms you stated substantiate a TSH blood level to be checked. I'd suggest you look up hyperthroidism symptoms just to check them out.

It's NOT good t beat on your chest near your heart--you can induce an arryhythmia.

If forced to "guess", I'd say muscle spasm. You have a LOT of nerve junctions in that area. But you always need to rule-out the most serious first. Just b/c you run quite a bit does not mean you do not have CAD or a heart issue.

WHY didn't you get checked out.?.? Ignorance can kill.

I'm not writing any of this to "win" best anwer. I'm writing because I care & want you evaluated---for your own piece of mind and for those around you who care as well.

Please keep me/us posted.

My email address on aol is d--p--t----p--h--armacy (without any of the spaces)

Health Question & Answer

im a distance runner too! that happens to me, ever so often... while i run, and i just literaly push on my chest and heart when i run. u can have severe cramps in those areas.... but seems it only happens when long distance Health Question & Answer

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