What types of things can we do to lower cancer risk?!

Question: What types of things can we do to lower cancer risk.?
Lowering the risk of developing cancer is not the same as avoiding it altogether. It's well known that smoking and several other avoidable factors likely contribute to various forms of cancer. It is also likely that there are several risk factors that have not yet been identified by the medical community as putting a person at greater risk.

Nutrition is definitely an issue, but let's look at a little deeper than whether or not you eat veggies and whether or not you do drive-through lunch every day. Over the past several decades, our food supply has changed drastically from what our grandparents ate. The amount of chemicals used in the growing process, green harvesting, genetic alterations, and who knows what else, have changed the nutritional value of the foods we eat to far less than what they used to be. So, that broccoli you have for dinner isn't nearly as nutritious as it was 50 years ago. Just look at how the food pyramid changed between the 60s and the 90s - you'll see that our own govt is well aware of the changes in the value of our food.

Another factor that is underplayed by mainstream medicine in maintaining good health is making sure that we keep our pH balanced. Much of what we do and eat tends to cause an acidic reaction. Stress, chemicals, sugar, dehydration, too little exercise, and many other factors cause our bodies to work very hard at maintaining pH balance. This is one of the ways that fruits and veggies are so beneficial is that most are very alkalizing.
Back in the 1930s, the Nobel prize in medicine went to a man by the name of Otto Warburg for his discovery - and proof - that cancer cannot grow in an aerobic environment. Proper oxygenation and alkilization are huge components of a healthy aerobic environment.
Additionally, I do live blood analysis. A fresh drop of blood will have tiny beneficial bacterium in it's live state doing what it's supposed to do. But as the blood sets on the slide, oxygen gets depleted (changing the blood to a more acidic condition) and you can watch the bacteria grow from minute and beneficial to very large and pathogenic. It's been a real eye-opener for me - and many of my clients.

Last but not least on suggestions for maintaining good health is to be sure you keep your colon cleaned out. Over the years, foods can line the intestinal walls and become putrid. This can reduce the amount of nutrition that can be pulled through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. It can also allow pathogenic materials to be pulled into the bloodstream.
Recommend to do a good herbal colon cleanse annually. Make sure that it's natural and gentle - don't do one that can be finished in 7 days as they can be rough on your system. It's best to do one that takes a few weeks to gently remove excess organic matter from the intestines. In addition to the 'unseen' health benefits, it can pick up your energy and even cause an inch or two to disappear around the lower midsection.

Reduce your stress. Take a little time out for yourself every day. Pray, meditate, take a short nap, whatever it takes to reduce stress. Have fun on a regular basis. Be true to yourself and others. Get sufficient sleep. Love and be loved. Serve humanity.

None of the above will guarentee that you won't develop cancer, but it will all help you to live a wonderful life.Health Question & Answer

Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are all cancer-fighting stars in the produce department, and several studies have linked them to a lower risk for colorectal, lung and stomach cancers, says Lawrence Kushi, Sc.D., associate director for epidemiology at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California. Plus, research from Michigan State University in East Lansing found that those who ate raw or lightly cooked cabbage and sauerkraut more than three times a week were 72 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who had 1.5 or fewer servings. Experts suspect vegetables such as cabbage contain chemicals that turn on your body's natural detoxifying enzymes, Kushi explains. Health Question & Answer

Well the best way is to get screenings of your body every so often. Like when i was diagnosed with muscle cancer it was by chance that they found it. Of course eating healthy, and exercising can help but only too a certain extent. Unfortunately everyone is at risk for cancer, and there is nothing much you can do.Health Question & Answer

Well, nobody knows the causes of most of the 200+ diseases that come under the umbrella title of cancer, so it isn't possible to say what can be done to prevent them or lower risk.

Giving up smoking or never starting to smoke is the best thing you can do; smoking is a cause of lung cancer and a definite risk factor for several other types of cancer.

Excessive sun exposure known to be a cause of skin cancers, and the sexually transmitted HPV virus is a cause of cervical cancer - so sun protection and safe sex make sense.

Other than that, we're still pretty much in the dark as to what causes cancer.

Many people, invariably people who haven't had, studied or been close to cancer, have a pet theory as to its cause and prevention, many blaming bad diet. Understandable; it's less frightening for them to blame the victim - put cancer down to avoidable lifestyle factors like diet, stress, lack of exercise etc - than it is for them to accept that cancer is a largely random disease that can strike any of us at any time.

I used to feel that way myself; when I thought about cancer at all, I felt my healthy, largely organic vegan diet, coupled with the facts that I exercised regularly and have never smoked, would protect me against cancer. I was wrong, I got cancer anyway.

Most cancers have recognised risk factors; these are not causes, but simply aspects of our lives that increas our chances of certain types of cancer. Having one, two or several risk factors doesn't mean you will necessarily get that cancer, and many risk factors are unavoidable - for example, getting older is the major risk factor for most cancers, as most cancers are diagnosed after the age of 60. Starting your periods before the age o 12 is a risk factor for breast cancer - not something you have any control over, and most women who can tick that box don't get breast cancer, it's just a known risk factor.

Cancer affects the healthy and unhealthy alike; nobody knows why of two people with the same risk factors, or lack of them, one will get cancer and the other won't.

If you are interested in risk factors for specific cancers, do a search on http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ . For each specific cancer, click on the 'at a glance' link.Health Question & Answer

Well, it's hard to say. We do know most of the things that according to the news give cancer but I have know men, women, and children that have had cancer and never smoked and were very young. So it's very confusing I guess when you smoke for instance your chances are much higher.

Health Question & Answer

Wow. So if I had eaten raw or lightly cooked cabbage and sauerkraut more than three times a week I might not have gotten breast cancer.?

Seems like a fair trade.Health Question & Answer

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