How do people without having their bodies from the waist down (Sacral Agenesis), use the bathroom?!

Question: How do people without having their bodies from the waist down (Sacral Agenesis), use the bathroom.?
Some people with this rare condition are Kenny Easterday (from the Jerry Springer Show) and Johnny Eck.
Kenny even said that he is the biological father of his child.
How can this be if he doesn't have the bottom portion of his body.?.?

Thank you so much!Health Question & Answer

Actually not having a penis does not prevent a person from have testicles. Doctors can remove the sperm though a stringe and inject the sperm into a female <artificial insemination>

As for going to the bathroom...many have deformed gentailia that still function for bodliy relief....and others have colostmnys Health Question & Answer

there midsection is much shorter which gives the impression of not having normal genitals, however they doHealth Question & Answer

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