I was asleep and woke up with nausea and rapid heart rate - vomiting solved both - what could it be?!

Question: I was asleep and woke up with nausea and rapid heart rate - vomiting solved both - what could it be.?
Three times since the begining of the year I have woken up in the middle of the night with horrible nausea, a rapid heart rate (if I had to guess - I would say it would be around 150 to 190 BPM), and shortness of breath. After about 5 minutes of being awake, I vomit, and my heart rate calms down to normal and my nausea goes away completely.

Every time this has happened - I have been asleep. It has occured in two different locations, I have eaten different foods and my hydration level has been perfect. I have NO clue! It bothers me!Health Question & Answer

You need to be evaulated by a cardiologist or at least a family doctor. It would be highly recommended for you to wear a heart monitor or at least get a EKG done and a consultation. It is possible that your are having nocturnal episodes of supraventricular tachycardia. Although it is rare to only have them at night, it is possible. Most people have episodes during the day as well, not just at night. SVT is a rapid heart rate. Symptoms include rapid heart rate, cool clammy skin at times, dizziness, nausea, chest pain. Some of the treatments used by emergency providers such as paramedics include initiating a vagal response. Vommiting is not somthing we do in the field, but it is a vagal response that could stop the SVT if that were the case.
Again - see a doctor to rule this out.Health Question & Answer

I can only tell you why vomiting slowed your heart rate. The physical action pressed your vagus nerve. Until corrective surgery I had a heart arrhythmia called PSVT. Forcing yourself to vomit is one of the self-help things we are told to try to convert the heart rate back to normal. Health Question & Answer

You better get your heart checked out. It could be many things, but rule out your heart first.Health Question & Answer

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