What are the symptoms of lupus? doc thinks i may have it?!

Question: What are the symptoms of lupus.? doc thinks i may have it.?
i went to the doctor for really bad chest pains, that have been re occuring for 5 to 6 years now. he thinks its either, costochondrias, angina, or lupus.

this is the second ekg done on me and it still showed nothing wrong with my heart. he gave me anti inflamatory medications and said i should feel relief after taking them but it hasnt helped so far like the doc said it should. i still feel the same. so that makes me think it might be lupus.

how does it affect the chest though.? does it affect the heart or other organs.? and why wouldnt it show up on an ekg.? do they do other tests for lupus.?Health Question & Answer

Did the Doc. say what type of lupus if thinks you have.? I am going to assume from reading your posts that he is suspecting SLE.
As you know lupus attacks many different areas of the body, it more or less attacks itself. You can have fatigue, chronic pain, low grade fever,hair loss weakness, muscle & joint pain, you just feel like crape. You can have thrush in your mouth as well as sores(ulcers) The list can go on and on, because of how the illness affects different parts of the body, then you have the domino affect.
The biggest give away would be the butterfly rash on your face, it usually appears over your nose and checks.
Usually the doctor will do alot of blood tests which will include a Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) as well a a test for antibodies against your own DNA.
Lupus is an illness which will affect women 3x more then men and is more common in black women then in white.
Your doctor should refer you to a rheumatologist so proper evaluation is done.
Any one of any age can have coronary heart diseases, although it becomes more of a problem the older you become.
Lupus do not show up on an EKG-Stress Test or any other thing which has to do with the heart. You can detect whether or not the illness has invaded these areas or if some-one might be having a problem which needs further evaluation.
Lupus is a tricky illness, and is one that can manifest many different difficulties for the person who has it as well as those around them.
I really would say that you do not have lupus. also just for a little info--people who have any type of autoimmune illness should stay away from spicy foods as well as salt and any type of sulfuric drugs or foods which contain sulfa. Anything which could cause a flare-up, including STRESS!!!!!!
You are going to be fine, just give your medicine enough time to calm down the areas in the breast bone & ribs.
Hope that helped you.Health Question & Answer

well i am not exactly sure. lupus is wen the body believes that some of your organs and overall cells in your body are actually dangerous and attack it. So basically your body attacks itself. Now thats based off of something i believe to be close to it. Dont take my word for it.Health Question & Answer

All I know about Lupus is that it drains a lot of your energy and can make it really hard to get up and do things. You'd have to take certain pills for it. Anyways, I don't know too much about it maybe you should research it on google .Health Question & Answer

It isnt' lupus, get a new Dr. You would have a red rash on your face and a lot of other things. I have costochondritis and it is quite common. Anyway, it isn't lupus, I would get a second opinion.Health Question & Answer

WHy do you even care what we think.? If something is going on, lupus or not, get to a doctor and have it checked out. Lupus has some trearments..the earlier you start the betterHealth Question & Answer

dont really know much about it.
im pretty sure it afffects all your organs though. your body because like allergic to itself and self destructs.... if you dont take medicine if that is, dont mean to scare you hahHealth Question & Answer

Check out this website:


It has a lot of information for you on Lupus.Health Question & Answer

It's never lupus. Health Question & Answer

Here's what WebMD has to say about lupus:

"Wonder what causes lupus.? Lupus, an autoimmune disease, happens when the immune system attacks its tissues, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, and damage. Lupus symptoms vary, and early lupus symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, fever, and a lupus rash, especially after being in the sun. Familiarize yourself with pictures of the lupus rash. Doctors diagnose lupus by symptoms and blood tests. Lupus is not contagious but has a hereditary component, so family health information is important."

Below are two sites from WebMD that discuss lupus. But you should know that lupus affects women more than it does men. If you do have lupus, then you are a rare case. However, if your doctor doesn't or can't give you a satisfactory answer, then get a second opinion.Health Question & Answer

well there are three different types of lupus and usually if its the type that attacks your organs its affecting numerous organs. I would get them to do a full check of things u can get blood tests done to find out about lupus. my dad had heart attacks and angina for many years, he was in n out of the hospital 7times in one year. They couldnt find anything wrong with his heart than finally he came to a doctor that decided to check his galbladder and here it was full of stones and infected badly. Once he had it removed all the heart attacks and angina went almost to nothing. He continues to have problems now because his attacks caused damage in the heart but if they would have gotten it before hand he would be completely fine today. One thing i have learnt inmy medical studies is that when one system is under attack so to say it affects other systems because it has to compincate for it which causes stress on it. Such as the gall bladder cause pressure on his heart which caused the problems. This is called refered pain. Do u have any other symptoms besides the chest pain.? oh and the types of lupus r discoid lupus which affects the skin, systemic lupus which affects ur organs, and then drug induced lupus which is usage of certain perscriptions, also one which is neonatal lupus but affects infants and/or the mothers. It can afftect ur skin, liver and or give u a low blood count, may have all symptoms or even one or twoHealth Question & Answer

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