Does anyone out there know how you can become infected with Hepatitis A?!

Question: Does anyone out there know how you can become infected with Hepatitis A.?
I'm traveling to Egypt and understand that some USA travelers became infected recently but the article didn't say how they became infected. Thanks to anyone who answers.Health Question & Answer

Hepatitis A, (formerly known as infectious hepatitis), is an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by Hepatitis A virus,[1] which is most commonly transmitted by the fecal-oral route via contaminated food or drinking water.Health Question & Answer

Hepatitis A is through fecal-oral transmission (dirty water, touching food with dirty hands after going to bathroom.
Hepatitis B is through blood and sex.
Hepatitis C is through blood, and possibly sex.
Hepatitis D is though blood and sex and you can only get it if you also have Hep B.
Hepatitis E is Fecal-oral like A.

There are vaccines for both A and B and I would highly recommend them. You can get them both at the same time in a vaccine called Twinrix. You have to get it 3 times over 6 months though.Health Question & Answer

you should get vaccinated for hep A before you go. and check out any other vaccinations that are recommended (maybe typhoid).

Hep A is transmitted fecal orally, which means that someone doesn't wash their hands well or at all and then touches food. if you then eat the food you are infected. sounds disgusting, doesn't it. it just takes a little bit too, the person probably thinks their hands are clean enough.

Children often transmit it because they are bad at washing their hands and in children you usually don't know that they are sick. so its business as usual.

So, the probably got the infection from food.

remember, wash it, boil it or peel it. keep that in mind during your trip. don't eat street food.Health Question & Answer

needles, sex, blood, spit
dont drink the water as egypt can be dirty.
dont eat foods that may have water in them (salads etc)
just to be on the safe side
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