Roaccutane - can you start it and then stop it?!

Question: Roaccutane - can you start it and then stop it.?
i have schoolies in a month and i am very self conscious about my acne. i have already being prescribed with roaccutane but i didn't go on it because i wanted to drink and have a good time at schoolies. I am now considering going on it because i cant handle them anymore. is it possible to go on roaccutane and then go off it so i can drink at schoolies and then start it up again.? what should i do.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? PLEASE HELPHealth Question & Answer

You have a decision to make: would you rather drink or have clear skin.? You don't have to drink to have a good time (and a very small amount of alcohol isn't going to hurt you while on Accutane). Binge drinking or becoming drunk while on Accutane could potentially harm your liver, however. Which will allow you to have a better time: feeling less self-conscious about your skin or drinking.?

However, no, it is not advisable to start and then stop Accutane therapy. The best results are seen when patients remain on an appropriate dose of Accutane over a five to six month period of time, without interruption. Sometimes, a later repeat course is needed in severe cases. Health Question & Answer

mate i'm in EXACTLY the same boat as you. But I've talked to my aunt about it (she's a doctor) and done some research and decided not to do it. Instead I was prescribed a topical cream, differin, which is really working well. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that.? It doesn't have the same side effects as roaccutane. The differin is going to really be put to the test during the HSC though, stress always makes me break out.

anyways good luck and have fun at schoolies :) your friends aren't going to care if you have a few pimples and if you do decide to do roaccutane then... well you can have fun without drinking. Health Question & Answer

One of the most common ways of treating acne is the use of retinoids. Retinoids are substances derived from Vitamin A, which attempt to cure acne by normalizing the lifecycle of follicle cells. There are two types of such substances, based on application: external (topical) and oral. The best known external retinoids are Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac, while the oral retinoids list is headed by the popular Accutane.

However, about one quarter of the patients who used Accutane or other drugs based on isotretinoin may relapse and require additional treatment.

But the biggest drawback of retinoids is the long list of side effects, which sometimes makes retinoids look like a disease rather than a cure.

The most common side effects are dry skin and nosebleeds. Many patients have also reported liver problems, while a few complained of depression. However, the scientific community is still split on the issue of depression. More seriously, isotretinoin is known to cause birth defects, which is why female patients have to use two separate forms of birth control or vow abstinence during the treatment. Pregnant women are not allowed to use anything but the mildest treatments.

The bottom line is that retinoids are a good idea if one can cope with the side effects. This begs the question: why not use something just as effective, but without the side effects. Acne treatment systems, such as ClearPores: .?a=150901" rel="nofollow"> are also popular because of their success in dealing with the condition, but lack the extreme side that makes retinoids a pain to use. The choice between these treatments is yours.

Health Question & Answer

Your personal doctor, who has prescribed this medicine, is in the best position to advise you concerning how to take this medicine for the specific condition being treated. We are very glad to provide you, however, with the following general advice concerning Roaccutane therapy for acne:

This information answers some common questions about ROACCUTANE capsules. It does not contain all the available information Question & Answer

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