Should we stop people from smoking?!

Question: Should we stop people from smoking.?
whether or not this is 'right' to do to people. Like, whether or not we can go out and try to make someone stop smoking or whatever.? like is it good.? should we or we should not do dat.? why or why not.?Health Question & Answer

I don't really know if you can go out a make someone stop smoking. I think that if they are not committed themselves then it will not be as successful. A lot of times you hear of drug users who are forced into rehab, and they don't make it and they drop out. I don't know that we could just straight up force someone to quit smoking. Health Question & Answer

I think it's time to put a few myths to bed:

Smokers actually cost less in terms of lifetime medical care than non-smokers, so trying to argue about the cost of their medical care is a bit nonsensical, combined with the minor matter of the tax take on tobacco is far larger than the costs of treatment.

The definition of public places as applied to smoking bans is frankly crazy, as joe public, you don't have the right to enter any business premises without the owner/manager's consent. If you doubt this, try going to your local and making suggestive remarks about their wife/daughter/mother, then start looking for a new local.

Trying to force someone to give up smoking is a pretty much useless exercise, unless you're going to put them in prison (and even then, there have been prison riots because smoking bans were attempted to be enforced)

The risks of second-hand smoke are another laugh, the relative risk of developing lung cancer if you are constantly exposed to SHS is 1.25 (i.e. for every 1 case in a smoke free environment, you'd see 1.25 in a smokey one), compare and contrast that with the relative risk of developing lung cancer while drinking full-fat milk as opposed to semi-skimmed (a relative risk of 2.14 - for every 1 case of semi-skimmed drinking lung cancer, there will be 2.14 cases of full-fat drinking lung cancer).
In all seriousness, you'd get exposed to more harmful chemicals living in a city with a congestion problem.

Then there's the whole issue of "helping" people against their will, which is in my opinion getting dangerously close to the Psikhushka policies of Khruschev's USSR (where if you didn't agree with the state, you were clearly suffering from something like "sluggish schizophrenia" and so you needed to be "helped" in one of the state's psychiatric hospitals.Health Question & Answer

Absolutely. I think Its a Crime that knowing what we know now, cigarettes are still legal. toxic .lethal. carcinogenic. addictive. sold in pharmacies
I am 41 years old. I just managed to quit after 20+ years. I think the burden on taxpayers of smoking related illnesses is staggering and the financial burden brunt of which should be bourne by smokers and former smokers. I also think that Cigarettes and all smokeless tobacco products should be outlawed immediately. We know enough that it kills. We know enough about it that we can say in the next 15-20 years we will no longer cover any medical related expense related to smoking.

IngeHealth Question & Answer

we probably should because it can give people second hand smoke
my uncle smokes and his 3year old child cant run any more w/o having a coughing fit

im starting to have trouble running nowadays because of that
i have pe and i can run all the way but when i stop for just a second i cant breathe or run any more easily.Health Question & Answer

I think my answer would be yes but don't think it would work at all.
My grandmother had emphysema and was a smoker.She died about 20 years ago. I really miss her a lot.

I can not stand to be around people who smoke.
I also have had friends that have smoked but have quit on their own because of maybe health problems.

I am glad I have never picked up the habit and never will.
No it is not good.Health Question & Answer

Cigarettes - YES. As a smoker that is the best thing I believe could possibly happen. It would wipe the temptation out, and smokers may be angry at first but I'm sure they'd be thankful in the long run.
Health Question & Answer

when ppl smoke they take in only v lil of the smoke itself. the rest is set free on the atmosphere we all share. yes we should ask ppl to stop smoking because it can not only save them, but save us as well. Health Question & Answer

Should we stop none smokers from breathing. Health Question & Answer

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