Heart palpitations, headaches?!

Question: Heart palpitations, headaches.?
I know I asked a similar question earlier, but I have been to the doc, who tried to diagnose me as depressed, but I know that these symptoms do not mimic depression. I am getting really worried b/c I have had these symptoms for about a week and a half to two weeks. My symptoms are heart palpitations all day (no anxiety), shortness of breath upon exertion, headaches, dizziness when changing position or when walking, weakness, lethargy, tiredness, feeling drowsy, pain in my left side where my ribs are, feeling cold a lot. I don't feel depressed or sad, so please don't diagnose me with that. Anybody know any possible health problems that could be causing this.? I have been leaning toward anemia, low blood pressure, or low thyroid, but I am not sure. Will get blood results back by Tuesday. It is hard to wait until then b/c I feel so awful. Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a low thyroid function. Sounds NOTHING like depression and tell him/her to shove it with that. They only rely on psych diagnosis when they are at a loss. It's the doc "God Complex". They need some type of an answer.
Make sure they check the thyroid functions. If the heart probs don't clear up with the med if it is that, you may have a heart condit. Ask for a cardio referral.
My money is on Hypothyroidism.
Good luck hun!Health Question & Answer

Actually, I have the exact same symptoms you have, and was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder which can actually cause very real and very painful physical symptoms. It doesn't mean you have to be "feeling anxious" when this stuff happens. It has nothing to do with feeling sad, either. I do hope nothing is medically wrong, but I did want you to know that they're not always wrong about that and sometimes something that is supposed to be "all in your head" can really mess with your body.Health Question & Answer

Don't be so quick to rule out depression, because many people have depression, and don't even know it until something clicks months later.

However, if it IS depression, it sure sounds like depression and something else.

Try looking up anemia, low blood pressure and low thyroid up on the internet, and try doing what you can (not in a radical way) now. If you feel better, great! If you don't, at least you know that those things aren't helpful.

For example, if you have anemia, try eating more iron, with a little vitamin C to help absorb it. A steak dinner certainly won't hurt you, will it.?

Try gentle exercise, and see if that helps put your body right. There are gentle and natural helps for low thyroid, too. Although, a severely low thyroid will involve medication.

I hope it turns out to be something easily fixed.

(I have many of the same symptoms, and the only thing abnormal about me is my weight and liver function. The docs don't know anything sometimes . . . .)Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel , I am a 14 year old girl , I have similar things happen to me , I was shopping at fred myer and got pain in my heart and they took me to the doc , but still no answer , sometimes I'll be going about my normal day and I'll just start sweating really bad , I'm talking sweat running down my legs and arms , then I'll fall asleep , it ruins my whole day cuz I don't have energy to do any thing , even just getting up for a glass of water would take all my energy , The sweating doesn't happen allot but when it does its awful , I also get cold very easily too . The doctors think I have HYPOGLYCEMIA , I as well am waiting for the results , I asked a similar Q to yours couple of hours ago and still no response , but I have a splitting head ache rite now ....Just remember there is someone else out there that feels the same way you do (me) and its scary ....I don't know if I answered your Q but I hope I did something helpful .... ;)Health Question & Answer

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