I have a severe cold. I can't taste my food. What exactly causes that?!

Question: I have a severe cold. I can't taste my food. What exactly causes that.?
When you have a cold, you get a stuffed nose, or inflamed sinus passages. That makes it hard to smell anything. The taste of foods is mostly determined by the scent of it. Your tongue can decipher between 5 different types of taste, while your nose can distinguish 10,000 different smells.Health Question & Answer

It's called the olfactory sense and it's part of the nerve endings in your nose. When they become inflamed as they do with a cold or sinus infection, the nerve endings often can no longer pass information to the brain so you don't have the sense of smell, which is how you taste your food (other than your tongue). When your cold gets better, so will your sense of smell and taste. Health Question & Answer

I believe it has to do with the fact that when you have a cold you're stuffed up and smell is an important part in tasting food.Health Question & Answer

nose is plugged
no nose. no tasteHealth Question & Answer

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