I have a medical problem...?!

Question: I have a medical problem....?
And its a little weird, but here we go. I'll explain it the best I can.

I have this thing where every so often I will develop this twitch, and I cant stop doing it. For example: Blinking repetitively, craning my neck upwards, rapping my wrist on the table etc.

Once one of these "twitches" sets in, I literally cannot stop. Even if I am thinking in my head "okay...do not do _________" After a few seconds I will do it anyway.

Okay. I know what tourettes syndrome is and I do not have it. I know that for sure. But I am very concerned about this. My neck has been hurting a lot lately but I cannot stop myself from craning it into awkward positions.

Usually the "twitch" goes away after about a month but recently they have been staying with me a lot longer.

It is very annoying and makes me feel uncomfortable when I am around other people. Some people as my why I am doing "_______" others just stare or laugh. I have seen a doctor and he says that I have "ticks" which is a common disease. Something that I am just going to have to live with. The only problem is I CANNOT live with this. I'm not even sure the doctor was right when he said it was "ticks" it's really hard to explain whats going on but I need help...Advice.?Health Question & Answer

Are you under a lot of stress.? That could be one reason. I have a nervous tick with my eyelid at times. It will keep "jumping" and it is annoying. It's, in my case, stress related. Your doctor is right but you should see a psychiatrist because you may need some kind of med to stop the tick. also, he/she will try to get to the bottom of why this is happening to you. There is a reason(s). Do you worry more then usual.? No one who is a friend should be laughing at you. This is not funny. See a doctor my dear so you can start feeling better. Health Question & Answer

I would be worried and anxious about this,too. I would get a second opinion AND do some research on it myself. Doctors are human,too. Don't forget to explain it fully to the doctor,either. That is very important.Health Question & Answer

So, the DR you saw diagnosed you with 'ticks' but not Tourette's.? You may want to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. They may be able to help you develop some coping techniques...
Good luck! I hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

Go to a better doctor and ask for a complete explanation on what is wrong with you.Health Question & Answer

Your doctor should have told you more than you have ticks. He should have given you a treatment plan that might have included some behavior modification techniques or a referral for therapy if the condition does not have underlying medical causes.

I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist, but I think from my reading that you have what is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. Why don't you use a search engine to see if the information there resonates with your situation and then follow up with appropriate treatment. There are many people who are similarly afflicted and there are support groups as well.

Good luck.

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