Where does snore originate from?, from the nose or from the mouth?!

Question: Where does snore originate from.?, from the nose or from the mouth.?
One group says that when this speech, eating, vomiting..yawning comes from our mouth so does snore....the other group says when sneeze, cough,phlegm all originate fro our nose so does snoring....so whats your take.?Health Question & Answer

SNORING Originates from Mouth -

Snoring can occur due to many reasons. Essentially it occurs due to the relaxation of the tongue, soft tissues and throat. Air, as a result, has difficulty passing and the partially obstructed airway and causes the relaxed throat tissue to vibrate. This produces snoring. The more narrow the passageway, the louder the snore. Snoring can occur occasionally or be a nightly problem.

The Mayo clinic lists numerous causes for snoring. The first has to do with the anatomy of the mouth. A thick soft palate or enlarge tonsils and throat tissues can produce snoring. also the hanging piece of tissue in the back of the throat, called the uvula, if elongated, can obstruct air from passing. Another cause is alcohol consumption. Alcohol relaxes the tissues in the mouth, producing again a decreased airway. Finally nasal deformities or a deviated septum can reduce the normal flow of air through the nose, which in turn causes mouth breathing and snoring.-
Health Question & Answer

When your nasal path is blocked, you start breathing in and out through your mouth. This is the most common snore among most of the people. The sound of the snore is quite high.

But in some other instances, when people are damn tired & sleep with their neck sharply bent (big pillows), the nasal path is partly blocked & they breathe some air through mouth. This snoring is bit low sound.

So, snoring is 99% through mouth.Health Question & Answer

Most problem snoring comes from the throat airways being restricted.

Doctors use a thing called mandibular advancement therapy in order to ttreat snoring.

You can also buy a product called Slumber Guard that works along the same lines - but for a fraction of the price.Health Question & Answer

we snore when the air passage is blocked
1. either in nose
or in mouth
or both
the reason is blockage or obstacle
it can happen in nose by mucus etc
and in mouth by tongue if we sleep in wrong position
mostly snoring happens
with nose blocks
cheers...Health Question & Answer

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