Itchy, sore and tender breasts?!

Question: Itchy, sore and tender breasts.?
I noticed about 3 weeks ago that I had an ingrown hair (so it looked like) on my left breast and of course I had to dig the ingrown hair out (the little hair was fairly sore) and then it scabbed over, healed and went away. About 2 weeks ago another ingrown hair popped up and the same thing happened. I noticed around that time that my breasts were really sore and tender, with a blotchy rash that developed on both. I have not noticed any other ingrown hairs or sores, but my nipples are itchy and my breasts are tender and slightly sore. For the most part, my nipples itch the worst, but its all over. I've also had a lot of break outs the past 2 months or so, which I have never had a problem with before.
I noticed that one bra made them itch more than the others, but they just kind of itch off and on all day (even when I am at home and not wearing a bra at all).
I have a very irregular cycle, and although I do get cramps and PMS every month, my period only physically comes two or 3 times a year. Would my period being messed up affect my breasts too.? I havent changed any of the hygiene products that i use, or laundry detergent. Is this a serious problem.? Or is it something that will most likely pass.?

I am 22... my period has been like this pretty much since I started it around age 9...

I appreciate any help! Sorry if its kind of long.Health Question & Answer

I know my breast were itchy and sore when I was pregnant.
Maybe you have had some kind of reaction to the material in the bras, and by scratching it has made it hurt/worse.

I'd schedule a visit with your family doctor/ob gynHealth Question & Answer

Go to tha doctor Health Question & Answer

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