Is there a possibility of mono?!

Question: Is there a possibility of mono.?
My boyfriend had mono at the end of August, and he came over before he was diagnosed [he had a sore throat, but he didn't know what it was.] We kissed a lot, and a few days later, he went to the doctor.

I became worried that I would get it, but after a month passed, I figured I was fine and just got lucky. But for two days, my throat has been killing me. I thought it could just be strep, but now I'm really exhausted and my whole body aches. I believe that I read that mono can take quite some time to appear, so what do you guys think.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like there is a good possibility that you also have mono. The virus typically has an incubation period of four to eight weeks so the timing is about perfect.Health Question & Answer

Mononucleosis is a viral infection causing fevers, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands, especially in the neck. It is usually linked to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), but can also be caused by other organisms such as cytomegalovirus (CMV).Mononucleosis is often transmitted by saliva. While it is known as "the kissing disease," occurring most often in 15- to 17-year-olds, the infection may occur at any age.

Mono may begin slowly with fatigue, general ill feeling (malaise), headache, and sore throat. The sore throat slowly gets worse, often with swollen tonsils covered with a whitish-yellow covering. The lymph nodes in the neck are frequently swollen and painful.

A pink, measles-like rash can occur and is more likely if the patient is given ampicillin or amoxicillin for a throat infection. (Antibiotics should NOT be given without a positive strep test.) The symptoms of mono gradually go away on their own over a period of weeks to months.
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