What would be the chances of developing cancer later on in life?!

Question: What would be the chances of developing cancer later on in life.?
Okay. So I'm sure you read my other question about my uncle who died of cancer. One of my uncles died in 2007 with Melanoma he was in his early 70's. Recently my other uncle (his brother) died of Colon cancer and he was 68. So what are the odds of me developing cancer later on in life.? also, what would be some ways to detect it early.? Health Question & Answer

Based on the information you've given, your chances of developing cancer are no greater than the average person's.

Cancer is rarely hereditary; fewer than 10% of all cancer cases, all types.

An indication that cancer may be hereditary within a family is when several members of the same side of the family have had the same type of cancer, especially if some have developed it at an unusually young age. If a number of members of a family have had different types of cancer, it isn't hereditary.

You don't inherit a general tendency to get cancer.

You don't say what type of cancer your uncle who died recently had; the two types of cancer you mention are very rarely hereditary - fewer than 5% of colon cancer cases are hereditary, for example (figures from Cancer Research UK). also, both family members you mention are older people; cancer that is diagnosed after the age of 50 is less likely to be hereditary.

With one in three people developing cancer, it isn't unusual for a number of members of the same family to have had non-hereditary cancer. This is the case in my family. Both my parents, two of my grandparents, my cousin, my aunt and my uncle - all but my dad from the same side of the family - had cancer. None of their cancers were hereditary, and no members of my immediate or extended family are considered at increased risk of them.

Of my parents' six children, now in their 40s, 50s and 60s, only I have developed cancer and mine too is non-hereditary and unconnected to theirs.

Relax; from what you have told us, you are not at increased risk.Health Question & Answer

Yearly physicals is one way. Learn how to spot beginning signs of melanoma on the skin. Now, colon cancer is more hereditary. When my husband had it, the doctor told him to notify all family members aged 40 and over to have a colonoscopy as soon as possible. That is usually the criteria but with your family history, if you are near 40, you should have one done. My sister has them every 2 years because of her intestinal problems. Just be very dilligent and observant for any tell tale signs. It maybe that those in your family do not develop cancer until after a certain age. Health Question & Answer

One out of every 3 women and one out of every two men will get cancer at one time in their lives. Your chances are higher so you need to have yearly physicals, colonoscopies and blood work. also keep a healthy weight, eat well and stay away from stress. Health Question & Answer

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