Whats the down sides to smoking weed?!

Question: Whats the down sides to smoking weed.?
not that i am just wondering Health Question & Answer

There are a lot more upsides to marijuana than downsides. I am prescribed medical marijuana (so its legal for me to do it)

The only real downside if you smoke it is your lungs will be negatively effected (although it does not cause cancer). I run everyday and it has ABSELOUTLY NO effect on my lungs to smoke 4-5 times a day.

If you eat weed it has no negative effects whatsoever.

Smoking it will make you eat more from the munchies if you're worried about getting fat you might if you can't control how much you eat.Health Question & Answer

You mean besides making you lazy and stupid.? Yes, you know you get lazy when you smoke weed, but did you know that it literally kills brain cells and that those cells will not grow back.? Not to mention the fact that the smoke is harsh and can do damage to your mouth, throat, and lungs. Then there is the possibility that it has been treated with other substances to enhance its effects but you can't be certain about how much of what you are getting and ingesting. Unless you are a purist and grow your own, that is. But if that is the case, you will eventually get busted so you will have the attending legal repercussions and lawyer's fees as well. Health Question & Answer

I am not a doctor, but I know that just from an outside perspective smoking makes people lazy and indifferent. I suppose this is why so many people like it though, because they claim they can forget their worries and just chill for awhile. But the problem is that it is hard to get out of that mindset and when you really do need to go to school, work or whathaveyou, it is hard to get your energy and motivation back. Health Question & Answer

i used to smoke all the time so i can help you out...the down side is its bad for your lungs, your memory, you will feel less active, you get the munchies so you will probably be eating unhealthy and it kills brain cellsHealth Question & Answer

it makes tou paranoid and hurts people you love around you when you cant control itHealth Question & Answer

um, seriously.?.?Health Question & Answer

when you run out......Health Question & Answer

bad for you lungs. But so is the air outside........smoke onHealth Question & Answer

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