Wondering if there is a name for this condition.?!

Question: Wondering if there is a name for this condition..?
I have had a problem my whole life, and so has my brother, where we only go #2 once every few weeks, perhaps even every month. Its not like I try not to go, its just that my body doesn't have the need to go but once every few weeks. It's also not a problem with our diets, as even when I played football in high school and had plenty of exercise and had a great diet I had this condition. Is there a condition out there for this, as both my brother and I have the same issues.

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Look up
Megacolon and
Hirschprungs Disease and see if either of these fit your symptoms.Health Question & Answer

There are a few diseases where the bowel has inadequate motility. So that people have trouble passing stools, and the bowel can become quite dilated. Olgilvie's syndrome is one that comes to mind. There are a few others.

It really would be best for you to see your family doctor, and I'd suggest seeing a gastrointestinal specialist, for a complete exam and evaluation before you just ignore this. I don't think you should be losing sleep over it, but best to be checked out and be safe. Going two weeks without a bm is sure an awfully long time !Health Question & Answer

I'm surprised you haven't had this checked sooner. You have a digestive tract disorder of some kind. I would see an internal medicine specialist.

This looked like a very promising site. I had to really narrow the search down:

http://www.bowel-movements.org/no-adult-...Health Question & Answer

My former doctor would call that F.O.S. He scared me once telling me that!
But that sounds sooooo dangerous! All those toxins building up all the time! I hope you get checks for colon cancer! Health Question & Answer

Ogilvie's syndrome: A rare gastrointestinal disorder where the peristaltic action of the colon is absent which prevents fecal matter from passing through .The symptoms of intestinal blockage is present but no actual obstruction. also called Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction.

The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Ogilvie's syndrome includes the 10 symptoms listed below:
Abdominal distention
Hyperactive bowel sounds
High pitched bowel sounds
Abdominal tenderness


Conservative treatment is the appropriate first step for patients with no or minimal abdominal tenderness, no fever, no leukocytosis, and a cecal diameter less than 12 cm. The underlying illness is treated appropriately. A nasogastric tube and a rectal tube should be placed. Patients should not remain in one position but should be periodically rolled from side to side and to the prone position in an effort to promote expulsion of colonic gas. All drugs that reduce intestinal motility, such as narcotics, anticholinergics , and calcium channel blockers, are discontinued if possible. Enemas may be administered judiciously if large amounts of stool are evident on radiography. Oral laxatives are not helpful and may cause perforation, pain, or electrolyte abnormalities

Other modalities of Treatment:

Nasogastric suction -- a nasogastric (NG) tube is placed thru the nose into the stomach to remove air from (decompress) the bowel.
Intravenous fluids will replace fluids lost from vomiting or diarrhea.
Special diets usually do not work, although vitamin B12 supplements may be used for patients with vitamin deficiency.
A medication called neostigmine may be used to treat pseudo-obstruction of the large intestine by decompressing the large colon. .
Colonoscopy may be used to remove air from the intestine.
In severe cases, surgery may be neededHealth Question & Answer

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