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i have pimples too. If you mean acne i know exactly what will work for you. go to a pharmacy or walmart, there's a lotion called OXY acne lotion. its in a little box in red and black and the word oxy is in bold letters. its for $4 dollars. i've been using it for years and it works. but first let me give you a cleaning method so that it will make your skin fresh and clean so that when you us it, it will work faster. mix about three tablespoons lemon juice with a little rubbing alcohol or just alcohol... use cotton and gently scrub your face with the cotton but do not scrub hard.very very gently so that it doesn't burn or anything. after you cleaned your whole face you have to wash your face with warm water. not hot and not cold. perfect temperature. when you wash your face dry it but when you use the towel tap it on your face....don't ever....ever rub the towel on your face because that will cause more pimples. anytime you use a towel tap dry..you can do the lemon method once every two weeks. or if your face gets oily or if you can see dark pores on your face. but remember...tap dry your face and the water needs to be perfect. i almost forgot. when you start using oxy for beginners your face will get dry so why you first us it, use it once a day at night time. let it dry before you sleep. don't put it all over your face. only put it on the acne or on it and around it. once your face is used to it, pimples go away in three days. the most important thing for you not to do is pop any. if your over 18 and pop a pimple or if you have dry skin it will turn into a holeHealth Question & Answer

Plz use virgin coconut oil.i have been using MeritVCO virgin coconut oil from www.excelcombine.com..
plz chk this article.

MeritVCO virgin coconut oil Here are some basic facts about this wonderful natural moisturizer and what it can do for your skin and scalp. Due to its particular molecular structure, this oil is easily absorbed by the skin, leaving it smooth, silky and with a radiant glow that's perfect for summer.

For those of you suffering from dry, rough and wrinkled skin, MeritVCO virgin coconut oil is a very good solution, as it can be used on everything from your heels to your scalp, providing lasting moisture and evening out the texture of the skin.

Most of the traditional face and body creams are predominantly water, which allows moisture to be quickly absorbed into the skin (especially if we're talking dry skin) - however, the feeling of smoothness doesn't last too long, as water is either absorbed into the bloodstream or evaporates. The creams and lotions that we use on a daily basis also contain some type of highly refined vegetable oil devoid of all natural protective antioxidants our skin needs to fight free radicals. Virgin coconut oil, however, is the exact opposite: in fact, there are scientists who claim that coconut oil is the best natural ingredient for skin lotions available on the market.

First of all, coconut oil prevents the formation of destructive free radicals. Massage it into your skin and you won't have to worry about liver spots and many other types of blemishes caused by old age or exposure to sunlight. It will even out your skin, give it a more healthy-looking texture and a subtle glow that is bound to reflect on your overall state of mind. Massage it into your skin at night after cleaning your face thoroughly and doing a body scrub - while you're in the shower, you can also use it either as a pre-wash hair conditioner to fight off dandruff, or as a normal conditioner, massaging it into your scalp after using your regular shampoo. Give coconut oil a chance to heal your skin, and you're bound to see results very quickly.

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Read tips on Treating Acne, Skincare and Home Remedies on this site
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