Irritating something in the back of my nasal passage - ideas?!

Question: Irritating something in the back of my nasal passage - ideas.?
A couple of weeks ago, I had a really bad weekend. My throat felt swollen, it hurt to swallow, and I had a two-day fever. I'm pretty sure I had strep, though the throat culture I took the following Wednesday revealed nothing. The sore throat lasted for about a week and a half after that horrible weekend, which is longer than sore throats usually last for me, and now I have this irritating clump of ... something (phlegm, I'm thinking.?) in the back of my nasal passages that I can't snork away, and that - when breathing just right - makes me snore.

Is this phlegm that I need to worry about, or could this be a patch of flabby skin caused by my throat swelling over that one weekend, or what.?

Sorry for the horrific details, but I'm worried - the symptoms of whatever I had that weekend have been trailing on for about two, three weeks now, which is unheard of for my body. Should I be worried.?Health Question & Answer

I think you should get some nasal saline and spray up there. The moisture should help it come out, whatever it is.

BTW, I like your word - snork. It is very descriptive and accurate. My wife has her own word for that feeling you get when you think you are about to sneeze but you never do. She says she has a "sneezle" in her nose.Health Question & Answer

it could be food that made its way up through the nasal cavity, you just have to blow your nose really really hard.

I actually had to blow a whole raspberry out my nose once, it totally sucked, it came out in pieces, but solved the problem.Health Question & Answer

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