Why are some people naturally pimple free?!

Question: Why are some people naturally pimple free.?
i have a couple of pimples here and there. cleanse, tone and mosturise every single night without fail and i wash my face every morning and use mosturiser. one of my best friends on the other hand has perfect blemish free skin. no acne at all and she doesn't even bother with her face. she doesn't use any creams or cleanser or anything.? why is her skin so perfect. ha thats sounds a bit mean but yeahh shes so lucky. how can i clear up my skin.?.? please help, thanksHealth Question & Answer

We are all different. It in the genes.

We all eat, drink and sleep different too.

You might try drinking a little extra water for say a week. My son tried that after I'd told him countless times [This time there was a girl involved LOL] He tried it and reduced the zits by about 70%. You might be lucky and find hydration is part of your problme too. It's got to be worth a try... but you need to make sure you really are drinking more water. Oh and maybe cut fizzy drinks or highly processed ones out too.Health Question & Answer

it depends the type of person you are and what kind of genes and skin you have.
my friend tries to eat really healthy, she eats oatmeal and fruits everyday, and she washes her face and goes to the doctor, but her acne just won't go away. her face is like piled with it. she avoids chocolate and everything. her mother is super sensitive and when she eats ice cream and meat she gets really sick

so i'm guessing she's just a sensitive type of person and her skin follows.

i on the other hand eat so much meat and chocolate and candy it's not even funny and i only occasionally get one pimple.


What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.
Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:


Hope this helps :)Health Question & Answer

Hey Sweetie, try not to worry about it to much, some people are just unlucky i guess. No matter what you do, you will just have to wait its just the hormones. I suggest seeing a dermatolagist they can perscribe roaccutane which is a acne drug that actually works!!
Good luck with everything, but i was in the same boat as you and i know exactly how you feel.
Health Question & Answer

you say she is lucky and she probably feels lucky. im the same way. i wash my face when i remember which isn't often maybe like 3 times a month and i have really good skin, i don't wear foundation and never have (im 19) i feel lucky i have good genes i get commented on my face. and that's why ur friend has a good face is because of genes, her parents past it on o her. you get your looks fro ur parents. Health Question & Answer

Pro active really helped me but just washing your face and eating healthy is a HUGE thing. Lots of sugar doesnt help at all. Find a good product that doesnt dry out your face and use it as it says. Stay faithful to it and keep using it. Your face will clear up in time. Health Question & Answer

Some of us are just born beautiful, others... have to try, or feign beauty.Health Question & Answer

Aveeno Complexion soap. It has oatmeal in it.

Go over to drugstore.com and look it up. Health Question & Answer

they batheHealth Question & Answer

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