Fasting blood glucose 85, type 1 diabetes?!

Question: Fasting blood glucose 85, type 1 diabetes.?
I have been urinating 19 times a day a normal amount of urine each time with NO burning. I also feel thirsty all the time but haven't been drinking an increased amount of water to cause the extra urinating. I went to the doctor and had a fasting blood glucose test because the doctor thought I had type 1 diabetes mellitus. My fasting glucose was 85, however I have typically had low blood sugar. The doctor drew labs to check hemoglobin A1C and urine sample to test for ketones. Is there a possibility I could still have type 1 diabetes.?

THANK YOU!Health Question & Answer

Hey Sweetie!

I'm 23 and have had Type One for 18 years. As for one of the previous posts, a lot of Type Ones are not near being in a coma nor put in ICU when diagnosed anymore. Jay Cutler and Elizabeth Perkins are prime examples. While I cannot quote specifics from the articles I've read about the two, I feel it's important to summarize the information I read.

I remember Cutler's blood sugar being from 400 to 600, and Elizabeth Perkins' being only in the 200s when diagnosed. (Again, I do not remember the exact numbers! Sorry!) While both numbers are high, it's a far cry from the 1,369 I was diagnosed at in 1990. Even at 1,369 I was bouncing around the house imitating the Ninja Turtles before my mom took me to the hospital. I was still jumping around at the hospital until they put an IV in each arm, lol. Even then, I was only in ICU for a couple of hours, tops.

Aside from my story, the Elizabeth Perkins article was in Diabetes Forecast, and it mentioned she was trying to find out her condition for years before being diagnosed. Her blood sugar level was always normal even though she had many symptoms of diabetes. Again, I can't state specifics, but I remember her blood sugar was tested for a few years before a doctor finally told her she had Type One diabetes. She was also in her 40s! So Type One can happen at any time!

As for your blood sugar being 85, it reminds me a lot of what I read about Elizabeth Perkins. You can never be too cautious about your health, no matter what your condition. While I'm a far cry from a doctor, I recommend getting as many tests done as possible. There are many conditions that often go undiagnosed, such as PCOS, thyroid problems, etc. If the tests come back normal, and your symptoms persist, get tests done again. From what you described, it doesn't sound like you have Type 1 right now, and you are definitely not a typical candidate for Type 2. However, the bottom line is you may have a health problem that needs to be addressed!

also, ONLY pay for tests to be done by a doctor you truly trust!!! I cannot stress this enough! I have had so many doctors treat me like **** simply because I asked a question about my health. Remember you are not only paying for a service, you are paying for your health. From what you posted, you obviously haven't been yourself lately, and no one should go through life feeling bad! While it can be expensive, remember to doctor-browse, and if one dismisses your symptoms without explanation, LEAVE!!!!

Finally, if you want to ask more questions about diabetes, I highly recommend From what I've witnessed, no answers come across as cold or demeaning over there. It's free, but you do have register.

Your post really touched my heart, and I sincerely hope you find what's wrong and feel better! It takes a lot of courage to research what may or may not be wrong with your health, and I hope I was able to help a little!Health Question & Answer

Frequent urination is a symptom of Type 1 diabetes, as is increased thirst. But a glucose reading of 85 is low, and I wouldn't expect to see ketones at that level, even if you do have Type 1.

A couple of questions though - if you are thirsty, why aren't you drinking more.? Do you have to wake up at night to pee or is it just during the day.? What is your caffeine intake.? Is your weight 'normal', and have you lost weight recently.?Health Question & Answer

Type 1.?.?.? I don't think so. that is usually diagnosed in the ER and ICU with the patient in a coma.

Type 2.?.?.? possibly!

Why do you assume it is type 1.?.? because you are a kid.?.? that isn't even in the realm of probable.

Half of the people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year were under the age of 16!!! Get real.

Do you have more symptoms.? like loosing weight unexpectedly.? Dry itchy skin.? extreme hunger.?Health Question & Answer

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