Why do fleas land on me, feel like they are biting me, but leave no marks? Are they really biting? Why not?!

Question: Why do fleas land on me, feel like they are biting me, but leave no marks.? Are they really biting.? Why not.?
My cat and dog have had fleas recently, and my boyfriend is covered in bites, but I maybe have one bite on my entire body. I attributed this to not tasting good to the fleas, but then the other day, I was outside and I noticed that fleas were landing on me, and they felt like they were biting me, but they left no marks, the area did not itch, and they jumped off soon after. My skin is naturally very soft despite using bar soap on it daily, and other parasites have no problems eating me alive. Why not fleas.?Health Question & Answer

The fleas do bite you but not everyone reacts strongly enough to cause to cause lumps/itching.
You obviously react to the 'other parasites', ie your body produces histamine as a reaction to the foreign protein left behind by the biter. Flea protein doesn't cause this reaction in you.
Antihistamine cream can take the itch out of the bites people react to. ( Anthisan or Benadryl cream from any pharmacy).Health Question & Answer

yes they are bitting you so youve been bitten by a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
VAMPIER FLEAHealth Question & Answer

You probably have a rare blood type that fleas might not be able to stand. I have the same problem -- my blood type is the rarest of rare, AB-. Fleas can't stand me, but to mosquitoes I am their god, I guess.Health Question & Answer

you got bad odour :DHealth Question & Answer

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